Populism and nationalism are two concepts that go together today. Isolationist proposals, Euroscepticism and a definition of nation against the “enemy” are three of its main ingredients.
Anti-vaccination sentiment is leading to disastrous consequences, not only in the U.S. but European countries, particularly Italy. A philosopher of science suggests how best to use facts to fight it.
Italy’s deputy prime minister remains immune from prosecution because his coalition partners, the Five Star Movement, let members vote online to uphold it.
Italy’s economy is verging on bankrupt and its election results have dealt a hammer blow to the prospects of fixing things. The best option, financially at least, may be to put someone else at the helm.
Law professor Giuseppe Conte has no experience in politics – which makes him the perfect candidate for the uncomfortable partnership now in government.
While often lumped with other European populist parties, Beppe Grillo’s M5S is a movement of activist fans mobilized by the messages of his “celebrity brand”.
Both the Northern League party and Five Star Movement have a very expensive shopping list for extra spending, with little detail on how to fund these policies.