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Articles on Mobile money

Displaying 1 - 20 of 21 articles

Ghana’s e-levy has hit traders in the country’s informal sector the hardest. Christophe Gateau/picture alliance via Getty Images

Ghana’s e-levy is unfair to the poor and misses its revenue target: a lesson in mobile money tax design

Domestic resource mobilisation cannot be achieved by over-taxing the livelihoods of the most vulnerable workers in the informal sector.
A lot of African countries have implemented taxes on electronic transactions. Wikimedia Commons

New data on the e-levy in Ghana: unpopular tax on mobile money transfers is hitting the poor hardest

The tax on electronic transactions has not generated as much revenue as the government of Ghana expected.
Mobile money has deepened financial inclusion in Ghana. Wikimedia Commons

Mobile money service quality: what’s important to customers in Ghana

Mobile money service providers are on the path to find new ways of growing their customer base and keeping them.
Taking a loan has never been easier thanks to the proliferation of mobile lending platforms. Rosenfeld Media/Wikimedia Commons

Mobile-based lending is huge in Kenya: but there’s a downside too

Mobile loan platforms have given Kenyans access to easy loans, but they come at a high price.

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