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Articles on Oil

Displaying 101 - 120 of 337 articles

A decommissioned pumpjack at a well head on an oil and gas installation near Cremona, Alta., October 2016. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jeff McIntosh

The growing cost to clean up abandoned and orphaned wells

More oil and gas wells risk becoming orphaned given the long-term downward trend in the industry.
A surface coal mine in Gillette, Wyoming, photographed in 2008. Greg Goebel/Flickr

It’s time for states that grew rich from oil, gas and coal to figure out what’s next

The pandemic recession has reduced US energy demand, roiling budgets in states that are major fossil fuel producers. But politics and culture can impede efforts to look beyond oil, gas and coal.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo with Guyana’s president, Mohamed Irfaan Ali, Sept. 18. Pompeo is the first U.S. secretary of state to visit the tiny South American country. AFP via Getty Images

Pandemic crushes Guyana’s dreams of big oil profits as ‘resource curse’ looms over oil-producing nations

Tiny Guyana hoped to see unprecedented wealth this year as ExxonMobil’s offshore wells began pumping out crude. Instead, it got a pandemic and political strife. Other oil states are struggling, too.
New research found a significantly higher risk of preterm births near gas flaring in Texas, particularly among Latinas. Spencer Platt/Getty Images

The risk of preterm birth rises near gas flaring, reflecting deep-rooted environmental injustices in rural America

A study shows that low-income communities and communities of color are bearing the brunt of the energy industry’s pollution in the region. The risks also extend to the unborn.
Protesters rally to have Colorado’s then-incoming governor put an up-to-nine-month moratorium on oil and gas development. Helen H. Richardson/The Denver Post via Getty Images

Money talks: Big business, political strategy and corporate involvement in US state politics

Millions of dollars are spent every election by corporations that want to influence state regulations and policies, and that’s likely to continue in the upcoming election.
A pump jack in the town of Signal Hill, California, which sits within the Long Beach Oil Field near the Port of Long Beach. Frederick J. Brown/AFP via Getty Images

Living near active oil and gas wells in California tied to low birth weight and smaller babies

A new study finds an association between living near active oil and gas wells in California and low birth-weight infants, adding to findings elsewhere on health risks from oil and gas production.

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