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Articles on Religion

Displaying 381 - 400 of 943 articles

A still from the 1946 classic ‘It’s A Wonderful Life.’ National Telefilm Associates

What makes Christmas movies so popular

Holiday movies offer us a glimpse into how the world is could be, often in sharp contrast to our lives as they are. In that way, the annual act of viewing them is like a religious ritual.
A scene from the Books of the Dead (based at the Egyptian Museum) shows the ibis-headed god Thoth recording the result of “the final judgement”. Wasef et al./PLOS ONE

Holy bin chickens: ancient Egyptians tamed wild ibis for sacrifice

An estimated 1.75 million ibises were deposited at a single location in ancient Egypt. But the birds disappeared entirely from the region around 1850, and no one knows why.
The Australian Federation of Islamic Councils says the bill doesn’t go far enough to protect religious minorities in an increasingly intolerant society. Dan Himbrechts/AAP

The biggest hurdle for the Coalition’s religious discrimination bill: how to define ‘religion’

Many scholars agree it is impossible to have a clear, universal definition of religion. Given this ambiguity, passing new laws using a specific concept of religion can have serious repercussions.
A survey conducted in Jauary 2018 by the Pew Research Centre showed 84 percent of US Catholics had a ‘favourable’ opinion of Pope Francis. Six out of ten people also said he represented a ‘major change for the better’. Vatican Media/AAP

Pope Francis and the Catholic church continue to look towards science, and that can only be a good thing

Pope Francis continues to champion the importance of science in our world. Having the head of the Catholic Church support various scientific movements is a win for us all.
Democratic presidential candidate and author Marianne Williamson acknowledges applause after speaking at the New Hampshire state Democratic Party convention in September 2019. (AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty)

Marianne Williamson and the religion of ‘spirituality’

The way Marianne Williamson is being dismissed as a viable presidential contender is at odds with the actual history of spirituality in America.
The Supreme Court ruled that baker Jack Phillips, owner of Masterpiece Cakeshop, could refuse to make a wedding cake for a same-sex couple because of his religious beliefs. AP/David Zalubowski)

Christianity at the Supreme Court: From majority power to minority rights

There’s been a reversal of power between religious and secular sides of American culture. The Supreme Court is now at the center of that shift.
Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s notion of “medemer” could have united Ethiopians, but seems to have failed. EPA-EFE/ALESSANDRO DI MEO

Ethiopia needs a new rallying point instead of recycling its painful past

Politicians, activists and media outlets continue to deconstruct old narratives and perpetuate new grievances. Nobody, however, is as busy reconstructing a new, inclusive story.
The data show no evidence of local anti-Semitism or Islamophobia – but this does not mean that hate towards minority religious groups does not exist in New Zealand. AAP/Mick Tsikas

New survey reveals which religions New Zealanders trust most – and least – after Christchurch shootings

A survey of New Zealanders’ attitudes towards religious groups, taken after the Christchurch mosque shootings, shows they trust Buddhists most and Evangelicals least.

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