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Articles on Welfare

Displaying 141 - 160 of 309 articles

Government ministers have defended Centrelink’s debt recovery processes as ‘working’ following an ongoing controversy. AAP/Julian Smith

Note to Centrelink: Australian workers’ lives have changed

Centrelink’s debt recovery problems reflect an over-simplistic application of policy to the complexity of workers’ lives in a flexible labour market.
Proponents of the universal basic income overlook its potential to be a reverse Robin Hood scheme. Ibai/Flickr

Universal basic income: the dangerous idea of 2016

The present Australian social security and welfare system can be viewed as a UBI scheme with exceptions for people who don’t need it.
Analysis shows single parents who are welfare recipients have a financial incentive to seek work.

For single parents, it pays to work

Despite media reports that single parents might find relying on welfare payments more appealing than working, analysis shows they are better off working and more than half in Australia are.
Around 1.3 million households receive government rent assistance. Nils Versemann/Shutterstock

Housing: the hidden health intervention

The effects of unaffordable housing cascade into other areas of life, in particular, affecting mental health.
Disadvantaged students are more likely to miss school. Dan Peled/AAP

Suspending welfare payments unlikely to boost school attendance

Any new approach to linking welfare payments to attendance must address the flaws of previous trials. It will require the cooperation of schools and the availability of accurate, real-time data.
A power utility is considered a key asset for a development state. Reuters/Siphiwe Sibeko

Will the ANC turn South Africa into a developmental welfare state?

The prevailing political fights over control of state-owned enterprises in South Africa has the potential to have a deep impact on the economy, and the quality and direction of the development state.
The financial safety net for South African children is better than in most countries. But other vulnerabilities aren’t taken care of adequately. Reuters

South Africa does child support grants well, but not other welfare services

The lack of service integration and the paucity of welfare services make poor people’s task of caring for their familes much harder. A small monthly cash transfer can’t solve all their challenges.
A Halloween gathering in Los Angeles for children who live on the street, in shelters or in cars. Lucy Nicholson/Reuters

How racism has shaped welfare policy in America since 1935

On the 20th anniversary of Bill Clinton’s promise to “end welfare as we know it,” a social work scholar asks why child poverty is still such a problem in the U.S. and what race has to do with it.

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