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Articles on Women's rights

Displaying 81 - 100 of 303 articles

The Taliban retook control of Afghanistan in August 2021, without major opposition. Photo by Mohd Rasfan /AFP via Getty Image

Taliban 2.0 aren’t so different from the first regime, after all

Four months after the Taliban regained control of Afghanistan, a clearer picture of their rule is emerging. Despite public assurances, the Taliban continue to violate human rights.
Why did she do all the work while Santa got all the glory? What would happen if she delivered the toys? Joe Sohm/Visions of America/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

How Mrs. Claus embodied 19th-century debates about women’s rights

Many early stories praise her work ethic and devotion. But with Mrs. Claus usually hitting the North Pole’s glass ceiling, some writers started to push back.
An activist holds a placard reading “my outfit is not an invitation” during a demonstration against the television channel Nouvelle Chaine Ivorienne following a shocking programme on rape. SIA KAMBOU/AFP via Getty Images

Rape culture in Côte d'Ivoire can shift if survivors get support to speak without blame and shame

The practice of blaming and stigmatising rape survivors has devastating consequences. It silences them and protects rapists. It discourages survivors from accessing healthcare and pursuing justice.
According to experts, specialist police stations (such as women’s police stations) will need to be appropriately staffed by Indigenous and non-Indigenous officers trained to work from both gender and culturally sensitive perspectives. Dean Lewins/AAP

Women’s police stations in Australia: would they work for ‘all’ women?

Establishing specialist women’s police stations has been suggested as a solution to violence against women in Australia. However research does not cover racial and gender inclusion in this policing.
The U.S. Supreme Court has allowed Texas’ abortion restrictions to take effect. Drew Angerer/Getty Images

As Texas ban on abortion goes into effect, a religion scholar explains that pre-modern Christian attitudes on marriage and reproductive rights were quite different

The Supreme Court declined to rule on a Texas law that bans all abortions after six weeks of pregnancy. However, abortion and contraception were quite common among pre-modern Christians.
A woman attending a protest to raise awareness regarding the situation in Afghanistan outside the European Union headquarters in Brussels on Aug. 18, 2021. (AP Photo/Francisco Seco)

The Taliban’s conquest of Kabul threatens the lives and safety of girls, women and sexual minorities

The Taliban’s recent conquest of Kabul signifies their seizure of power. This threatens the rights of girls, women and sexual minorities to freedom from harm and access to opportunities.
Personnel were evacuated from the U.S. embassy in Kabul on Aug. 15, 2021, as Taliban insurgents broke through the capital city’s defensive line. AP Photo/Rahmat Gul

Afghan government collapses, Taliban seize control: 5 essential reads

The Taliban ‘expect a complete handover of power.’ Experts explain who the Taliban are, what life is like under their rule and how the US may bear responsibility for Afghanistan’s collapse.
Taliban fighters take control of Afghan presidential palace in Kabul after Afghan President Ashraf Ghani fled the country. (AP Photo/Zabi Karimi)

The world must not look away as the Taliban sexually enslaves women and girls

Emboldened by success in Afghanistan, the Taliban is now ordering religious leaders to provide them with lists of girls over the age of 15 to enter into ‘marriages’ to Taliban fighters.

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