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Paracelsus' poison

Displaying 71 - 80 of 81 articles

How will we afford ear candling now?

In the aftermath of the budget, one set of cuts may have been missed. The government is looking to remove the 30 per cent private health insurance rebate for some “alternative” medicines and therapies…

Spider venom to treat cancer?

I was intrigued by an all-too-short, short news item reporting that a Queensland research group has won funding to study the use of spider venoms as treatments for cancer. Venoms for cancer? This might…

An Easter Reflection on Chocolate and Medicine

If, like me, you intend to spend part of the Easter celebration nibbling the ears of chocolate Bilbies, you might be surprised to learn that you are consuming medicine. Xoxalatl was a product of meso and…

Toad medicine

In an interesting conjunction of events, I brought home the DVD “Cane Toads; the Conquest” to show our Japanese exchange students something uniquely, if weirdly, Australian, on the weekend of Toad Day…

Global Astronomy Month Starts Today

Global Astronomy Month starts today, April the 1st. An initiative of Astronomers without Borders to raise awarness of our night skies, there will be star parties, image competitions and more. See the Global…

Do you want evidence with that?

The extraordinary standoff between the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) and the website Homeopathy Plus! has escalated. Well, a bit. As a bit of background you should know that to be sold in Australia…