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Articles on Climate change

Displaying 6921 - 6940 of 6943 articles

Sea levels are expected to rise between 0.5m and 1m by 2100, potentially at great cost to coastal infrastructure. AAP

Fix climate by 2020 or face huge costs

Governments and communities must take urgent action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions this decade or face enormous social and economic costs in future, according a report by the Australian government’s…
More extreme hot weather events are on the way, say the world’s top climate scientists. Photo:

More deadly heat waves coming, climate scientists warn

The world’s top climate scientists have warned that the heat waves that have killed thousands of people during recent summers are to become more common and more deadly. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate…

Climate change crimps crop output: study

Climate change has caused global corn and wheat production to drop between 3% and 5% over the last 30 years, a new study has found. Customers have paid the price, with the cost of food rising 6% since…
A phased approach will help resolve divisions around carbon pricing. AAP

Phased pricing model is our best shot at carbon consensus

Independent MP Tony Windsor was right in early March when he called for a debate on carbon pricing in Australia that is “a little bit more advanced than the word ‘lie’ and the word ‘tax’”. The quality…
We must innovate to avoid a food crisis. AAP

To feed the world, farming emissions must rise

FOOD SECURITY - Agriculture is one of the few industries in the world in which emissions must rise. The carbon footprint of farming will become larger over the next 40 years as we feed a rapidly growing…
Our obsession with growth stops us taking meaningful action on climate change. Flickr/hfabulous

Can we let go of growth and embrace climate action?

While global warming deniers have been effective in their aim of sowing doubt in the public mind, the most powerful argument used over and over has been that cutting emissions will cut growth, and that…
Choked: Lagos crumbles under the weight of its population. AAP/Pius Utomi Ekpei

Urban trauma: Why we need to rethink our cities

We are entering an era of massive population transfer - a rural exodus of unprecedented proportions. In Asia and Africa farmers and peasants are being lured to mega-cities. This brings myriad benefits…
When it comes to climate change policy, the numbers matter. Philippe Put/Flickr

Economics enlightens the climate change debate

Economic arguments have come to dominate the Australian political debate about climate change. When it comes to climate policy, both the government and the opposition talk far more about taxes, trading…
Climate science is based on years of monitoring and analysis. Flickr/glaciernps

Remind me again: how does climate change work?

Climate change is one of the greatest ecological, economic, and social challenges facing us today. The scientific evidence that human activities are contributing to climate change is compelling, and yet…
Too much focus on balance doesn’t present the true picture. AAP

When the science is so clear, why is the argument so clouded?

While the evidence for climate change continues to strengthen, public acceptance of the science keeps declining. Closing the gap could be a question of better communication. At the commencement of the…

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