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Institute of Human and Social sciences, Scuola Normale Superiore, Florence

The Scuola Normale Superiore is a public institute for higher education that in its two centuries of life has earned itself a special place, both in Italy and abroad, a place characterised by merit, talent and scientific rigour. Two types of course are available: the undergraduate course and the PhD course.The teaching activity is distributed among three academic structures: the Faculty of Humanities, the Faculty of Mathematical and Natural Sciences, placed in Pisa, and the Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, located in Palazzo Strozzi in Florence.


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European Council President Charles Michel takes part in a video conference with G5 Sahel leaders and United Nations representatives at the European Council headquarters in Brussels, on November 30, 2020. Francisco Seco/Pool/AFP

Unpacking governance within the EU’s Sahel strategy

The EU has already poured billions of euros into its assistance programs for the Sahel countries. The fundamental principles of this aid need to be rethought if it is to be truly effective.
Le président du Conseil européen, Charles Michel, participe à une vidéoconférence avec les dirigeants du G5 pour le Sahel et les représentants des Nations unies au siège du Conseil européen à Bruxelles, le 30 novembre 2020. Francisco Seco/Pool/AFP

La question de la gouvernance dans la stratégie de l’UE pour le Sahel

L’UE a déjà déversé des milliards d’euros dans ses programmes d’assistance aux pays du Sahel. Il convient de repenser les principes fondamentaux de cette aide pour qu’elle soit réellement efficace.
War, Ford, fascism, Reaganomics, the pink tide, the EU, debt crises, rights-based activism, a fierce backlash… none of this is new. Wikimedia

The road to the great regression

We may think of current reactionary politics as radical and new, but unchecked mercantilism has always elicited a fierce backlash from both left and right. Here’s what history tells us about today.
Thomas Samson/Reuters

Emmanuel Macron has a difficult task ahead say international experts

The Conversation Global asked scholars from around the world what they thought of Emmanuel Macron’s victory, and what means for their country.
Quels seront les impacts des élections françaises sur la place de la France dans le monde ? Guillaime Souvant, Eric Feferberg / AFP

La victoire des candidats « anti-système » vue de l’étranger

Le premier tour du scrutin présidentiel en France a suscité un vif intérêt à l’étranger. Analyses en provenance de Turquie, d’Inde et d’Italie.
The first round of France’s 2017 presidential contest sent two political outsiders to the second round. What’s next in this key European election? Emmanuel Foudrot/Reuters

France shuns mainstream political parties: world experts react

France must now choose between two candidates with strongly opposing visions. The outcome of the May 7 run-off could radically alter France, as well as its position in Europe and in the world.


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