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University of Liberia

The University of Liberia was founded in 1862 as Liberia College and became a full University in 1951. It is a public institution funded mainly by the Government of Liberia. The University now has four campuses: Capitol Hill, Fendall, Medical School Fendall, and Starz-Sinji campus located in Sinji, Grand Cape Mount County.


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Health workers from Bwera hospital prepare to transport the body of a fifty-year-old woman who died of Ebola to the burial site in Bwera, Uganda. MELANIE ATUREEBE/EPA

How Africa’s porous borders make it difficult to contain Ebola

Ebola is difficult to contain because of human social and behavioural factors. But it can be if 100% of the infected people’s contacts are identified and monitored.
Des professionnels de la santé enterrent un enfant mort du virus Ebola dans la province du Nord-Kivu, en République démocratique du Congo. La propagation du virus ne donne aucun signe d'essoufflement. Hugh Kinsella Cunningham/EPA

Trois solutions radicales pour arrêter la propagation d'Ebola en Afrique

Les faits sont incontestables : l'épidémie actuelle d'Ebola est en expansion et ne donne aucun répit. La méfiance envers l’autorité, la guerre civile et le virus constituent un cocktail explosif.


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