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Warwick Business School, University of Warwick

Warwick Business School, located in central England, is the largest department of the University of Warwick and is triple-accredited by the leading global business education associations. It was the first in the UK to attain this triple accreditation. Offering the full portfolio of business education courses, from undergraduate through to MBAs, and with a strong Doctoral Programme, WBS is the complete business school. Students at WBS currently number around 6,500, and come from 125 countries. Just under half of faculty are non-UK, or have worked abroad. WBS Dean, Professor Mark P Taylor, is among the most highly-cited scholars in the world and was previously Managing Director at BlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager.


Displaying 1 - 20 of 241 articles

Within the first three seconds of opening a web page, over 80 third parties on average have accessed your information. (Shutterstock)

Websites deceive users by deliberately hiding the extent of data collection and sharing

Existing regulations do not go far enough in protecting people’s information from being collected and shared when they visit websites.
Almost every website — both for-profit and not-for-profit — commodifies user data. (Shutterstock)

To protect user privacy online, governments need to reconsider their use of opt-in policies

New research shows that opt-in policies may not be as effective as intended when it comes to data protection and privacy regulations.
Construire une politique RSE, c'est d'abord se demander ce dont le territoire environnant a besoin ici et maintenant et comment on peut y répondre.

Mener une politique RSE, ne serait-ce pas avant tout se comporter en « bon voisin » ?

« Bon voisin », tel est la formule qui était employée lorsque les premières réflexions ont émergé sur la responsabilité sociale des entreprises, concept que l’on peine aujourd’hui à cerner.


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