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Articles on UAPs

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Hanns Glaser, Celestial phenomenon over Nuremberg, April 1561. Zentralbibliothek Zürich

Chariots of the gods, ships in the sky: how unidentified aerial phenomena left their mark in ancient cultures

Modern reactions to unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs – what you might think of as UFOs) are similar to those of thousands of years ago.
NASA’s UAP study team and newly appointed director of UAP research represent growing efforts to study and declassify UFO-related data. AP Photo/Terry Renn

NASA report finds no evidence that UFOs are extraterrestrial

Months after a military officer made sensational claims about unexplained objects in the skies, NASA released a report loosely outlining a scientific approach for analyzing UAP reports.
UFOs usually have non-extraterrestrial origins, but many have urged the government to be more transparent about UFO data. Westend61/Westend61 via Getty Images

Are we alone in the universe? 4 essential reads on potential contact with aliens

Whistleblower allegations that the government possesses UFOs may not be backed up by public physical evidence, but some argue that listening for extraterrestrial life is the first phase of contact.
Photos claiming to be UFO evidence are often doctored or otherwise ambiguous. Ray Massey/The Image Bank via Getty Images

Why people tend to believe UFOs are extraterrestrial

While UFO videos might seem compelling, they’re rarely backed up with evidence. A sociologist explains why claims of alien life gain traction through both social and mass media every few years.

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