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Articles on Abortion

Displaying 381 - 398 of 398 articles

The legislation prohibits protests within 150 metres of an abortion clinic that are able to be seen or heard by a person accessing the clinic. AAP/Mariza O'Keefe

Tasmanian ban on abortion clinic protests may not be constitutionally valid

Tasmania’s abortion law reform bill, which passed late last week, decriminalises abortion and obligates medical practitioners with a conscientious objection to abortion to provide information about access…
Aborting a foetus just because of its sex seems repugnant to most of us. Shutterstock

What should we do about sex-selective abortion?

A Melbourne doctor is being investigated by the medical professional standards body for refusing to refer a woman to another GP after she sought an abortion. The case raises important questions about doctors…
The heat over abortion can obscure some basic facts. Sydigill

Sex selection abortions aren’t illegal despite all the noise

The Crown Prosecution Service’s ruling that it would not be in the “public interest” to prosecute two doctors exposed in an undercover Daily Telegraph investigation into “sex selection” abortions has caused…
A proposed bill recognises a foetus of at least 20 weeks gestation as “a living person” when it comes to its harm or destruction. Leo Reynolds

Zoe’s Law: will changing foetuses’ legal status endanger abortion rights?

A proposed law being debated in the New South Wales parliament that aims to recognise the foetus as a person has sparked concerns about encroachments on women’s reproductive rights. But similar laws in…
The election is Tony Abbott’s to lose. But will weakness with many female voters cost him and will his record come to haunt him on issues like abortion? AAP/Lukas Coch

Re-inventing Tony: why Abbott’s attempt to woo women doesn’t bear scrutiny

Tony Abbott is trying to improve his image with many women. But as I found out when I met him recently, no makeover can erase his track record of public statements and actions, especially on issues of…
Tasmanian Health Minister Michelle O'Byrne has moved to decriminalise abortion in the state. AAP/Scott Gelston

Tasmania to amend law to decriminalise abortion

Tasmanian Health Minister Michelle O’Byrne has moved to amend the state’s abortion law to ensure women will no longer face the threat of criminal charges for having a pregnancy terminated. The proposed…
Women all over the Western world, such as these protestors in Paris in1972, have had to fight for abortion rights. Marina Urquidi

Still keeping women out: a short history of Australian abortion law

Tuesday marked the 40th anniversary of the US Supreme Court decision in Roe v Wade (410 U.S. 113 (1973)), which found that Texas State law prohibiting abortion was unconstitutional. The landmark decision…
A demonstration in Dublin following the death of Savita Halappanavar. AAP

Systematic failure and grey areas: abortion in Ireland

Savitia Halappanavar was a symbol of all that is positive about cultural diversity in Ireland. A young Indian Hindu, she had embraced Irish culture, partaking in St Patrick’s day festivities and playing…
Indian activists protest the death of Savita Halappanavar, who was denied an abortion in Ireland and subsequently died of blood poisoning. EPA

Tragic Irish case shows abortion laws must respect women’s health

Recently, 31 year-old Savita Halappanavar died in the University Hospital Galway, Ireland, from complications that arose after being denied a timely abortion. Her tragic and highly publicised death has…
Anne Summers has spoken about her own experience with a backyard abortion. AAP Image/Luis Enrique Ascui

Dangerous remedies: ending the horror of backyard abortions

When Prime Minister Julia Gillard spoke out against sexism and misogyny in the parliament last month, her words had resonance far beyond the political context of the moment. It was a reminder that women…
The notion that Abbott knows better than to attack abortion ignores his attempts to do so through Medicare. AAP/Lukas Coch

Let’s be clear on Tony Abbott’s attacks on abortion

As the dust from the allegations of sexism settles over the parliament, it’s time to clarify, once and for all, Tony Abbott’s actions on abortion. In his recent Quarterly Essay and in numerous interviews…

Free contraception lowers abortion rate

Researchers have found that access to free birth control substantially reduces unplanned pregnancy and abortion rates. The…
A much wider group of Australian women will be able to choose a medical rather than surgical procedure. spaceodissey/Flickr

Politics v women’s health: RU486 and the TGA saga

The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) finally included the abortifacient Mifepristone (also referred to as RU486) on the Australia Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG) in August 2012 – after nearly…
The extension of women’s medical options for abortion is really important so this is a great step forward. Malloreigh/Flickr

Arrival of RU486 in Australia a great leap forward for women

The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has registered RU486 (mifepristone linepharma) and GyMiso®(misoprostol) for wider use in Australia following an application for registration of the medicines…
Comments from male politicians such as George Galloway have revealed cultural assumptions about rape that originate from some powerful myths about this sex crime.

Why ‘legitimate’ rape and other myths are alive and dangerous

When US Republican Todd Akin declared earlier this week that it is impossible or “really rare” for a woman to become pregnant as a result of a “legitimate rape” because “the female body has ways to try…
Young men whose partners experienced abortion or miscarriage were twice as likely to have depression than men who reported their partner had never been pregnant. Flickr/Jason Pier in DC

Pregnancy loss linked to depression in young men

Young men whose partners have had an abortion or miscarriage are twice as likely to develop depression than those whose partners have never been pregnant, a new study has found. While previous studies…

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