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Articles on Afghanistan

Displaying 201 - 220 of 385 articles

President Joko Widodo (foreground, second from right), flanked by then Vice President Jusuf Kalla, welcomes Afghan and Pakistani mullahs to the Trilateral Ulema Conference held at Bogor Palace in West Java, Indonesia. Wahyu Putro A/Antara Foto

Indonesia seeks nothing in return for its global peace and foreign aid efforts. It should

Indonesia needs to consider long-term engagement to produce deeper and more sustainable impacts.
Audience members listen to Afghan parliamentarian Fawzia Koofi speak in 2014. Women’s access to politics increased greatly after the Taliban’s 2001 ouster. Sha Marai/AFP via Getty Images

Women in Afghanistan worry peace accord with Taliban extremists could cost them hard-won rights

Afghan women interviewed about current talks between the government and the Taliban say, ‘There is no going back.’ Taliban fundamentalist rule in the 1990s forced women into poverty and subservience.
Taliban militants and Afghan civilians celebrate the signing of a peace deal with the United States on March 2. Noorullah Shirzada/AFP via Getty Images)

The Taliban are megarich – here’s where they get the money they use to wage war in Afghanistan

Because the Taliban’s insurgency is so well financed, the Afghan government must spend enormous sums on war, too. A peace accord would free up funds for basic services, economic development and more.
Australian soldiers in the trenches at Anzac Cove on the Gallipoli peninsula in Turkey in 1915. State Library of Victoria/Wikimedia Commons

The Anzac legend has blinded Australia to its war atrocities. It’s time for a reckoning

When the honour of Australia’s revered soldiers is questioned, so, too, is the national self-image. But war is an ugly business, and we pay a price for tethering it so tightly to our identity.
Members of the Taliban delegation attend the opening session of the peace talks with the Afghan government, Doha, Qatar, Sept. 12, 2020. Karim Jaafar/AFP via Getty Images

Afghanistan peace talks begin – but will the Taliban hold up their end of the deal?

In February, the US signed an accord with the Taliban to end the Afghanistan War. Now Taliban insurgents are meeting with the Afghan government – but peace remains an uncertain outcome.
Afghan security personnel inspect the rubble of Afghanistan’s intelligence services building after a car bomb blast claimed by the Taliban killed at least 11 people, July 13, 2020. AFP via Getty Images

Afghanistan’s peace process is stalled. Can the Taliban be trusted to hold up their end of the deal?

In February, the US signed an historic accord with the Taliban to end the Afghanistan War. Now violence in the country is up and peace talks with the government are delayed yet again.

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