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Articles on Coastal erosion

Displaying 1 - 20 of 61 articles

Wetlands at Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge in Maryland shows signs of ‘pitting,’ where areas of cordgrass have converted to open water. Will Parson/Chesapeake Bay Program via Wikimedia

Coastal wetlands can’t keep pace with sea-level rise, and infrastructure is leaving them nowhere to go

A coastal scientist explains why marshes, mangroves and other wetlands can’t keep up with the effects of climate change, and how human infrastructure is making it harder for them to survive.
Street flooding has become more common in parts of Honolulu. Eugene Tanner / AFP via Getty Images

More than two dozen cities and states are suing Big Oil over climate change – they just got a boost from the US Supreme Court

Honolulu, Baltimore, Charleston, S.C. and several other cities harmed by rising seas and extreme weather are suing the oil industry. At stake is who pays for the staggering costs of climate change.
The Tempest’s Caliban was said to voice the fury and distress of the people forced from the Fenlands which were being drained and enclosed. Lebrecht Music & Arts / Alamy

Shakespeare’s environmentalism: how his plays explore the same ecological issues we face today

Worrying environmental issues dominated the time of William Shakespeare as they do now, from depleted fish stocks and food shortages, to overpopulation and animal exploitation.

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