People attend a demonstration to bring awareness to the mass ethnic cleansing of Amharas in Oromia region of Ethiopia in June 2022.
Photo by J. Countess/Getty Images
The peace agreement was short-lived largely due to the absence of open and genuine commitments by both sides.
Eden Hagos (right) the founder of Black Foodie, sits with fellow African content creator Yvonne Ben.
(Black Foodie)
While “Black Canada” is a useful blanket term and important organizing identity, a closer look reveals a detailed tapestry of communities that also deserves visibility.
Local fishermen’s boats moor at Somaliland’s Berbera port.
Mustafa Saeed/AFP via Getty Images
If the international reactions are anything to go by, Ethiopia’s Red Sea port deal is easier said than done.
A billboard bearing the image of targeting ships on a street in Sana'a, Yemen.
Mohammed Hamoud/Getty Images
One of the biggest consequences of insecurity in the Red Sea is a significant increase in the cost of global trade.
Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed arrives in Beijing on Oct. 16, 2023.
Ken Ishii/Getty Images
Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed claims his landlocked country has a right to demand maritime access to a Red Sea port from its neighbors in the Horn of Africa − Somalia, Eritrea and Djibouti.
Refugees who crossed from Sudan to Ethiopia wait in line to register at the International Organization for Migration at Metema on May 4, 2023.
Photo by AMANUEL SILESHI/AFP via Getty Images
The number of refugees leaving Sudan is particularly high because Sudan was itself host to a million refugees.
Protesters in the UK demonstrate against Ethiopia’s Tigray war in October 2022.
Mike Kemp/In Pictures via Getty Images
Leaders at the centre of the Ethio-Tigray war don’t believe in equal partnership. In their political cultures, winners take all.
Eritrean refugee children in Ethiopia.
Eduardo Soteras/AFP via Getty Images
Eritrean refugees in Ethiopia are caught in a conflict in a country that was supposed to provide them refuge.
A vendor selling cereals in Nairobi.
Photo by Simon Maina/AFP via Getty Images
The Ukraine crisis is significantly increasing political stress and potential conflict throughout Africa.
A woman receives food aid at a distribution centre in Ethiopia.
Jemal Countess/Getty Images
The origins of Ethiopia’s food crisis can be traced to a bitter feud between Eritrean and Tigrayan liberation fighters.
Sergiy Kyslytsya, Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the United Nations, speaks during a special session of the General Assembly on March 02, 2022.
Photo by Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images
The resolution is not legally binding, but is an expression of the views of the UN membership.
Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki (L) and Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed at an event in Ethiopia in 2018.
Eduardo Soteras/AFP via Getty Images
The war in Tigray appears to have boosted Eritrea’s efforts at regional pre-eminence. But it could backfire.
A cheering crowd surrounds the toppled statue of Russian revolutionary leader Vladimir Ilyich Lenin in Addis Ababa following the overthrow of the Ethiopian military regime in 1991.
Jerome Delay/AFP via Getty Images
Prevailing political attitudes, security actors, alliances and geopolitics differ starkly from the final days of the hated Ethiopian military regime.
The growth in tobacco use in Africa is a potential public health catastrophe.
Globally, about 1 million deaths annually are related to exposure to second-hand smoke. Thirteen African countries have implemented comprehensive smoke-free bans.
A Tigrayan refugee places a cross made from twigs on the banks of a river marking the border between Ethiopia and Sudan where bodies frequently wash up.
Photo by Ashraf Shazly/AFP via Getty Images
Domestic and geopolitical factors mean that the Ethiopian conflict has enough fuel to burn for some time.
Tents in a Rohingya refugee camp cluster on a muddy hillside in Bangladesh.
Saleh Ahmed
International law bars nations from causing environmental harms in other states. Should that include sending thousands of refugees over the border in search of food, water and shelter?
A warehouse for flour preservation and distribution to refugees at a refugee camp in Ethiopia.
Mohammed Abu Obaid/EPA-EFE
Time in the camps does not move forward and educated refugees are stuck, without the opportunity to create a path for a better future.
An Ethiopan soldier mans a position near Zala Anbesa in the northern Tigray region of the country, about 1,6 kilometres from the Eritrean border.
Marco Longari/AFP via Getty Images
Conflict between Eritrea and Tigray has long represented a destabilising fault line for Ethiopia as well as for the wider region.
Thousands of Ethiopian refugees have fled the violence, crossing into neighbouring Sudan.
EPA-EFE/Leni Kinzli
As ever, civilians are caught in the middle of warring ethnic groups in this strife-torn region of Ethiopia.
Ethiopian soldiers in 2005 on a hilltop outpost overlooking the northern town of Badme, in the Tigray region.
Marco Longari/AFP via Getty Images
The Ethiopian premier is manipulating ethnic rivalries to shift the agenda from democratic reform to authoritarianism.