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Articles on Free speech

Displaying 81 - 100 of 317 articles

When persuasion stops and violence begins, that’s the line between ‘legitimate political discourse’ and something very different, scholars explain. AP Photo/John Minchillo

What is ‘legitimate political discourse,’ and does it include the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol?

Legitimate political discourse is based on persuasion, not coercion or violence. Two scholars of communication and democracy explain the difference.
Organizations can apply to have their flag temporarily replace the Boston city flag, shown on far right, in front of City Hall. gregobagel/iStock via Getty Images Plus

Can a Christian flag fly at City Hall? The Supreme Court will have to decide

Shurtleff v. Boston, a case argued before the Supreme Court on Jan. 18, raises important questions about free speech and religion in public spaces.
Three professors from the University of Florida have been barred from participating as expert witnesses in a voting rights case. Jeffrey Greenberg/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

University of Florida bans professors from giving expert testimony against state – a scholar explains the academic freedom issues

The University of Florida is barring three scholars from testifying as expert witnesses in a highly political lawsuit. A veteran college administrator looks at what’s at stake.
Democrats and Republicans in Congress have asked sharp questions of social media CEOs as lawmakers consider changes to landmark internet legislation. Michael Reynolds/Pool via AP

What is Section 230? An expert on internet law and regulation explains the legislation that paved the way for Facebook, Google and Twitter

A terse piece of legislation from 1996 has been credited with creating the internet as we know it – and blamed for the flood of misinformation and other ills that have come with it.
Donald Trump at a press conference to announce a class action lawsuit against Facebook, Twitter, Google and their CEOs. Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images

Trump can’t beat Facebook, Twitter and YouTube in court – but the fight might be worth more than a win

Former President Trump is asking the courts to do what tycoon Trump once would have denounced: tell some of America’s most powerful corporations that they have no choice who they do business with.
A statue in honour of U.S. Olympians Tommie Smith, left, and John Carlos is seen on the campus of San Jose State University in San Jose, Calif. The pair of sprinters were expelled from the Olympics in 1968 after they raised their fists on the medals stand to protest racial inequality in the United States. (AP Photo/Tony Avelar)

The Olympics are ‘on the wrong side of history’ when it comes to free speech

The International Olympic Committee’s Rule 50 still restricts the freedom of speech of athletes, despite the recently relaxed stipulations. A respected Olympian says the IOC must change its policy.
South Africa’s Pretoria News didn’t dress itself in glory with its false decuplets story. This picture was taken following Nelson Mandela’s death in 2013. Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

False story about decuplets was a low point for journalism: how to fix the damage

Tighter controls are not the answer; the opportunity should be used to think differently about trust and journalism. It is critical to enable audiences to distinguish reliable, verified information.

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