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Peacebuilding – Analysis and Comment

Muslim women and children in Lamu in north east Kenya. Al-Shabaab’s recruitment of female members is most evident in coastal and north eastern counties. Photo by Eric Lafforgue/Art in All of Us/Corbis via Getty Images

Why we did it: the Kenyan women and girls who joined Al-Shabaab

Women’s motivations for joining terrorist networks belie Kenyan media accounts of naive girls manipulated through romantic notions of Jihadi brides or wives.
Dominic Ongwen enters the court room of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague, on December 6, 2016. Photo by Peter Dejong/Pool/AFP via Getty Images

Child victim, soldier, war criminal: unpacking Dominic Ongwen’s journey

Former fighters described Ongwen as a model fighter and an effective commander – but testimony in his trial detailed the former child soldier’s alleged personal role in the rape of underage women.
Dutchbar Batticaloa in eastern Sri Lanka was decimated by the 2004 tsunami. It fell under a newly created 200m buffer zone set up to protect people. But it destroyed fishing communities. Chris Young - PA Images/PA Images via Getty Images

‘Building back better’ may seem like a noble idea. But caution is needed

There is a need to be alive to tensions between short- and long-term objectives, as well as the assumptions we hold around what we consider to be “better” and how to achieve it.
Public participation has been found to increase voluntary cash contributions for the construction of schools in Ugandan sub-counties. Photo by: Wayne Hutchinson/Farm Images/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

Does bottom-up monitoring improve public services? What we found in Uganda

Public participation increased the quality and quantity of some public services, though not in all sectors, and some services were affected more than others.