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Articles on Political donations

Displaying 21 - 40 of 89 articles

Liu won the marginal seat of Chisholm at the May election, making history as the first female Chinese-Australian MP. Mick Tsikas/AAP

Liu defends herself after concerns about her Chinese associations

Following a politically disastrous interview, Liberal MP Gladys Liu has issued a statement strongly proclaiming her loyalty to Australia and her support for the government’s policy on China.
Nine’s fundraiser for the Liberal party left journalists appalled, as they should have been. Julian Smith/AAP

Grattan on Friday: When schmoozing the PM gets you a black eye

While the Liberal party reaped mega dollars at Nine’s Monday fundraiser, Nine and its chief executive faced a backlash from staff at the company’s recently acquired former Fairfax newspapers.
Released political donations data found nearly 90% of declared donations to the Tassie Liberals were from gambling groups. Paul Jeffers/AAP

Tasmania’s gambling election shows Australia needs tougher rules on money in politics

Today the Commonwealth has released data on political donations. It shows high levels of donations from the gambling industry to political parties.
New Zealand’s government is considering looking into changes to the way political parties are funded, and areas such as donation transparency could be part of the discussion. from

New Zealand politics: how political donations could be reformed to reduce potential influence

In the aftermath of a controversy surrounding New Zealand’s opposition party, discussions now focus on reform of party donations to avoid the potential of political influence.
Former NSW minister Ian Macdonald (left) and union boss John Maitland are just two of the prominent figures who have been swept up in anti-corruption investigations at the state level. Joel Carrett/AAP

Australians think our politicians are corrupt, but where is the evidence?

Public trust in government is sliding and there’s a perception that a small elite is reaping the benefits of political influence. This points to the need for a federal anti-corruption body.
AEC disclosures revealed Malcolm Turnbull to be the single biggest donor to a political party in 2016-17. AAP/Dan Peled

The truth about political donations: there is so much we don’t know

The annual February festival of lampooning the largest visible donor lulls Australians into a false sense of security that there is a functioning political donations disclosure regime in place.
Environment Minister Josh Frydenberg with a lump of coal during Question Time. Mick Tsikas/AAP

Plea to politicians on energy: stop the brawling

Eighteen groups have issued a plea for political leaders to ‘stop partisan antics’ and work together to achieve energy reform.

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