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Articles on Reproductive health

Displaying 41 - 60 of 94 articles

A provision of the Affordable Care Act makes it easier for patients to receive preventive care. Jose Luis Pelaez Inc/Digital Vision via Getty Images

The next attack on the Affordable Care Act may cost you free preventive health care

The Affordable Care Act has allowed many preventive health services, including cancer screenings and vaccines, to be free of charge. But legal challenges may lead to costly repercussions for patients.
Measures to combat COVID-19 have affected sexual and reproductive health care around the globe, including maternal and newborn care, birth control and access to abortion. Université de Sherbrooke, Centre interdisciplinaire de développement international en santé (CIDIS)

COVID-19 caused a global setback in reproductive and sexual health rights, especially for women

The exceptional measures deployed around the world during the COVID-19 pandemic have impeded access to urgent services like birth control, abortion and maternal and newborn care.
Women have many more work and educational choices than previous generations, which affect their decisions about having children. Justin Lewis/DigitalVision via Getty Images

Expanding opportunities for women and economic uncertainty are both factors in declining US fertility rates

Economic opportunities, social norms and expanding education and employment options for many women help explain why U.S. fertility has slowed in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
Unhelpful comments can be a source of stress for people struggling with infertility, and can mean that seeking social support can result in more, rather than less, distress. (Unsplash)

5 things not to say to someone struggling with infertility

Most people don’t intend to be hurtful or insensitive in their conversations with people experiencing infertility — they often just don’t know what to say.
The operating room at the Whole Woman’s Health clinic in Fort Worth, Texas, Sept. 4, 2019. Texas says abortions are nonessential during coronavirus. AP Photo/Tony Gutierrez)

Delaying ‘nonessential’ abortions during coronavirus crisis endangers women’s health and financial future

Seven states are moving to ban abortions, along with other ‘elective’ medical services, during the coronavirus crisis. But delaying or denying abortions can do serious health and financial harm.
What mattered most to mothers using Nigeria’s free maternal health services was that their babies were healthy. Adekunle Ajayi/Getty Images

What mothers told me about Nigeria’s free maternal health services

With the introduction of free maternal healthcare, Nigeria appears to have got more women using health facilities, but there are more hurdles to cross.
Although the United Nations has raised concerns about the rights of children, advocates say a baby hatch, like the one shown here in Karlsruhe, Germany, can save lives. (Hardt Foundation)

After a newborn was found in a recycling bin, a safe haven baby hatch may save lives

Since an infant was found in a recycling bin last fall in Saskatoon, advocates have renewed their campaign for baby hatches, places mothers can leave newborns safely and anonymously.

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