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Articles on Theatre

Displaying 141 - 160 of 381 articles

Cherish Violet Blood as Lila in Deer Woman, playing at this year’s Sydney Festival. Prudence Upton

Deer Woman is a work of immense power and artistry

Deer Woman, written, directed, designed, composed, stage managed and performed by First Nations artists from Canada, is anchored by a solo performance of fierce skill, focus and precision.
Based in Québec, Porte Parole led by Annabel Soutar has toured and run several documentary theatre shows. Pictured here, ‘The Watershed,’ a docudrama about the politics of water in Canada. Porte Parole

In the post-truth era, documentary theatre searches for common ground

Reality based theatre is one way artists are challenging the lies put out by politicians like U.S. President Donald Trump, who exploits our contemporary insecurities.
Actors in a theatre of the oppressed show invite the audience to weigh in on events and change the script. edwin andrade/unsplash

Acting out: theatre class where students rehearse for change

Not just for would-be actors: Theatre of the Oppressed is a unique genre of drama education through which students learn how to analyze social problems and change typical outcomes.
Training in improvisational theatre enables health professionals to learn deeper empathy, as well as mental agility and other clinical skills. (Shutterstock)

How theatre training can boost your doctor’s empathy

Health professionals need a dose of drama in their training to build clinical and interpersonal skills.
Plays like ‘Where the Blood Mixes’ (with actors Kim Harvey and Billy Merasty) help shed light on Indigenous stories, helping to educate Canadian audiences. David Cooper

Indigenous theatre would thrive with funds from the Canadian government

Indigenous theatre and storytelling provides an opportunity for all Canadians to honour the directives of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. The Canadian government should support this mission.

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