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Todos os artigos de Dentistry

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A man receives dental treatment at Care Harbor LA, a free medical clinic in Los Angeles, California, October 31, 2013. Lucy Nicholson/Reuters

The cavity in health insurance coverage: oral health

The absence of comprehensive dental care exacts a toll on millions of Americans in terms of poor health, pain and the social stigma associated with bad teeth.
All dentists should be practising evidence-based dentistry for the sake of their patients. John Dill/Flickr

‘Holistic’ dentistry: more poppycock than panacea?

Holistic dentistry claims to promote overall wellness rather than simply treating disease. But the lack of evidence for the alternative therapies underpinning it are cause for concern.
Good teeth often correlates with good health. But one in five over-65s have lost all their teeth. m01229/Flickr

How to fill the gaps in Australia’s dental health system

An Aussie smile is an instant indicator of socioeconomic status, employability and self-esteem. It’s also a predictor of physical health. So it’s shocking that Australians’ dental health has not improved…
Universities could be oversupplying graduates in a number of key health fields. Graduate image from

Too many graduates, not enough jobs: universities, profits and clinical need

What if, after several years of studying in an intense degree program, you graduate only to find no jobs within your field? Since 2012, public universities have been allowed to determine the number of…
The children with the greatest level of disease also have the poorest access to care. Image from

Filling the gaps in Australia’s dental workforce

Data released recently by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare show the number of dentists has increased by 24% in the five years to 2011. There are now around 12,700 dentists in Australia, with…
Exposure to radiation from dental x-rays has decreased in recent years. EPA/Julian Abram Wainwright

Dental X-rays linked to brain tumour risk

People who received frequent dental x-rays as children could be at increased risk of developing a commonly diagnosed primary brain tumour, according to a study of almost 2,800 people. The study, published…
Do-it-yourself teeth whiteners with high levels of peroxide can cause painful chemical burns. Jeremy Jenum

What happens when teeth whitening goes wrong?

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) recently recalled a number of do-it-yourself (DIY) teeth whiteners containing unsafe concentrations of peroxide that can cause painful chemical…
Teething doesn’t cause fever but a high temperature shouldn’t be ignored.

Monday’s medical myth: infant teething causes fevers

Any parent can tell you that infant teething makes for a trying time. Restless nights, feeding problems and irritability can all be part and parcel when an intant’s baby teeth erupt through their gums…
We’re still a long way from growing replacement human teeth. Sarah Korf/Flikcr

Building replacement teeth – do we really have the technology?

It was recently reported that researchers in Japan have grown a tooth in a mouse using stem cell technology and successfully implanted it into the rodent’s jaw to produce a fully functional tooth for chewing…

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