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Todos os artigos de Sexual harassment

Exibindo 301 - 308 de 308 artigos

Nick Clegg has more Facebook “likes” than David Cameron. David Cheskin/PA Wire

Five reasons to be miserable for the Liberal Democrats

The Liberal Democrats are in trouble. The party appears to be engaged in a very public form of hari-kiri, accelerating its own political meltdown. The heady days of 23% polling and Cleggmania in 2010 seem…
Lord Rennard is fighting against claims. Cathal McNaughton/PA

Sexual harassment claims not a new problem for the Lib Dems

A few years ago I conducted a feminist analysis of the Liberal Democrats as my PhD thesis. During the research, people (both inside and outside of the party) would often say my project was “a bit niche…
Intimidated: many women feel they have been targeted to drive them out of the political arena. Lorenz Khazaleh via Creative Commons

Sexual violence aims to drive women out of Egyptian politics

Violence against female protesters was a terrifying hallmark of the unrest that led to the fall of the Morsi government. Local NGOs documented more than 100 reports of sexual violence, including rape…
Facebook “slut shaming” pages reflect deeper problems with society’s discriminatory attitude towards women. Flickr/Franco Bouly

Facebook misogyny: ‘slut shaming’ or just woman hating?

“Slut shaming” may be the latest cause célèbre to sweep to our shores, but it just looks a lot like old-fashioned misogyny. From the US-based Salon and The Guardian in the UK, to the Canberra Times in…
Expecting sexual harassment victims to react stronger than we would can lead to blame, the study said.

Sexual harassment victims less assertive than they planned

People imagine they would assert themselves strongly against sexual harassment but are more likely to react passively when confronted with it in real life, a US study has found. The gap between how people…

‘Hazard pay’ for sexual harassment

Both men and women workers who are at risk of sexual harassment on the job are paid more for exposure to that risk, according…

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