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Todos os artigos de Sexualisation

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The problem with the This Girl Can campaign is that the male gaze remains dominant, internalised as self-perception. This Girl Can/Sport England

This Girl Can(‘t)? Campaign simply reworks 'sex sells’ approach

While getting more women to take part in sport is a laudable achievement, it would be better if the campaign also helped free them from the objectification of the dominant male gaze.
Isolating a child from their peers does nothing to address the underlying concerns that may have lead to a child behaving in this way. from

Children with sexualised behaviours need support, not silence and stigma

The cultures of silence and denial that surround child sexualised behaviours mean that adults often lack the information they need to respond appropriately.
Baby Boomer women are challenging ideas around what it means to grow old. Cesar Vargas/Flickr

Sex, desire and pleasure in later life: Australian women’s experiences

Older people, and particularly older women, are often thought of as being asexual or sexually undesirable. Although the particular age this is believed to happen varies somewhat in the popular imagination…
Is photographing dogs dressed in suspenders and stockings just another internet fad or a strange reflection on human sexuality? Sharp Daily

Dogs in suspenders. Yep, it’s a thing. And here’s why.

When I was little, maybe five or six, I got the idea to slip my spaniel’s feet into freezer bags and watch her slide around on the kitchen floor. Sure, this episode could have sparked in me a yen for further…
Starting a conversation about sex early in a child’s education is important. Image from

Worried about the sexualisation of children? Teach sex ed earlier

When should sex education begin for children? According to some parent groups who advised the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA), not until grades 5 and 6. Under this pressure…
We need to acknowledge the diverse contexts in which teens engage in sexting. Mahdi Abdulrazak

‘Sexting’ teens: decriminalising young people’s sexual practices

Cases of teenagers “sexting” each other have recently provoked panicked responses by media, parents, educators and policy makers in Australia. Now a Victorian parliamentary inquiry into the practice has…
When it comes to sexuality and young girls, the debate is desperately confused. flickr/Andreas Neustifter

Tramps like us: Target and modern day misogyny

The sexualisation of children issue – this week vomited up in the form of an attack on Target - encapsulates much of the hideousness of the contemporary political landscape. The debate neglects to acknowledge…
Limiting children’s access to now widespread “pornified” media will require serious political will. lamont_cranston/Flickr

Girls on film: could new regulations stop the sexualisation of children?

Soft porn music videos on television. Girls mini-mags featuring fashion and celebrity gossip at the supermarket checkout. Porn at eye-level in the petrol station. Billboards on the trips in between. As…

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