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Todos os artigos de The Conversation France

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Malian migrant Mamoudou Gassama met French president Emmanuel Macron on May 22, 2018. He was officially given French citizenship soon after. Thibault Camus/AFP

Why economic migrants are heroes

What is a hero? If President Macron really likes heroes, shouldn’t he revise his idea of what he calls “economic migrants”?
360-degree cameras are one of several innovative filming technologies being applied for science education at the National University of Singapore. NUS

How innovative videography can supercharge education

360-degree cameras are one of several innovative filming technologies being applied for science education at the National University of Singapore.
The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, in Philadelphia. WestCoastivieS/Wikimedia

Don’t throw the baby out with the business-school bathwater

In current context of financial uncertainty and political upheaval, it easy to question the purpose and activities of business schools. But before jumping to conclusions, there is a more nuanced story.
Still from the movie Un rêve français (“A French Dream”) by Christian Faure, which tells the story of a young Guadeloupean couple during a little-known, tragic time of French post-colonial history. Eloa Prod 2018

A French ‘Windrush’? When French Caribbeans were treated as second-class citizens

Great Britain was not the only country behaving badly with its Caribbean population: France also experienced similar waves of post-war migration.
In the film Iron Man 2, Elon Musk (playing himself, in white), meets one of his sources of inspiration: Tony Stark (R. Downey Jr.), super-hero of the Marvel Universe. DisneyPixar

Is Elon Musk a super‑hero?

Elon Musk is an open admirer of the fictional Tony Stark, whose alter‑ego is none other than Iron Man. But Tesla’s recent financial results prove Musk to be more vulnerable than his hero…
The “hammerhead” of Diversibipalium multilineatum. This species can reach 40 centimeters (16 inches) in length. Pierre Gros

Yes, giant predatory worms really are invading France

Several giant terrestrial Plathelminth species have invaded France and its overseas territories, threatening biodiversity. Thanks to participatory science, the invasion is finally recognized.
Harvard Business School classroom. mleiboff/Flickr

Debate: Do we really need business schools?

Since the financial crisis, business schools have been accused of every evil – inequality, oppression, environmental devastation. So why should management schools be preserved?
A man browsing the shoe department in a shopping centre. Can he really afford new shoes, and does he really need them? Alex Buirds/Wikimedia

Why we perceive ourselves as richer than we think we are

Under some circumstances, people may feel wealthier than they actually are and this makes them psychologically more prone to increase their spending, as well as their borrowing.
A refugee family who was evacuated from Libya leave an UNHCR office in Niamey, on November 17, 2017, after being interviewed by protection officers of the French Office of Protection Refugees and Stateless Persons (OFPRA). Sia Kambou/AFP

How far can Europe push back its borders? The case of France in Niger

Displacing the EU’s border as far as possible from Europe: is this really a solution to mitigate the flow of migrants?
From left to right: Prince Oguguo, Carol Margaret Bitner, Sharon Crost, Michelle Mielly and Gazi Islam at the Grenoble Ecole de Management’s “Oxford-style debate”, part of the school’s 10th geopolitics festival.

Fake news meets fact in an Oxford-style debate revival

As part of the Grenoble École de Management’s 2018 Geopolitics Festival, four scholars explored the art of debate – an antidote for toxic conversations in the fake-news era.
The rebellious French generals Edmond Jouhaud, Raoul Salan, and Maurice Challe (from left to right) leave the General Delegation in April 23, 1961 in Algiers, after taking power (with General Zeller) to oppose the Algerian policy of General de Gaulle. The Public Salvation Committee intended to preserve French Algeria was formed on 13 May 1958 with General Massu as its president. AFP

‘I understood you!’: May 1958, the return of De Gaulle and the fall of France’s Fourth Republic

In May 1958 General de Gaulle returned to power and established the Fifth Republic. Yet despite the monumental changes of that time, many in France today still don’t understand what really happened.
Bitcoins and benjamins: Which is the real currency? David McBee/Pexels

What is the real value of a bitcoin?

One of the hot questions regarding the bitcoin since the first ones were created in 2009 is its real value. We will try as well to answer to this question using two concepts in economics and finance.

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