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Todos os artigos de The Conversation France

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A man reads a newspaper the day after the presidential and parliamentary elections in Istanbul, June 25, 2018. Aris Messinis/AFP

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the political giant with a cane

The Turkish election highlights the growing strength of Turkish opposition despite the defeat and approves of a president who could be weaker than he would like to appear.
Pro-tolerance march in Des Moines, Iowa, in 2015. Phil Roeder/Flickr

The predicament of diversity: re-boot for diversity 3.0

Diversity is an enormously appealing and powerful concept, yet it can also distract us from the focus we need to face today’s pressing social issues. So what’s the way forward?
RyanAir like most airlines ise price discrimination techniques to attract customers. Find out how. Pxhere

A traveller’s guide to airline price discrimination

Price discrimination is a strategy companies use to charge different prices to consumers for the same or similar product or service. How does it work?
Police use water cannons against a demonstrator, Nantes, western France, on September 15, 2016. LOIC VENANCE / AFP

‘When the revolution becomes the State it becomes my enemy again’: an interview with James C. Scott

In an exclusive interview, Professor James Scott discusses anarchism and State resistance by so-called “powerless” actors. Excerpts for The Conversation France.
Donald Rumsfeld, George W. Bush’s former secretary of defense during the war in Iraq. DR

‘The geopolitics of risk’: the new age of uncertainty

The question is no longer how to repel all threats. Instead, it’s how can we organise ourselves as a society to remain ourselves in the face of these multiple threats.
Personal data… isn’t so private after all.

I am not the sum of my personal data

Paradoxically, it is only when I disappear into the digital crowd that my personal data becomes interesting for digital merchants.
Porte de la Chapelle, Paris (July 2017). AFP

The difficult subject of refugee economies

Is the impact of refugees in the host country’s economy positive or negative? The real question is really quite different: can the economy really do without refugees?
A protest in Toulouse in January 2016 against the state of emergency in France. Gyrostat/Wikimedia

The fight against terrorism: the rule of uncertainty?

Weakening the institutional as well as the symbolic functioning of the rule of law has the consequence of introducing new “risks”, and thus creating more insecurity.
Section of a tumor observed with an optical microscope. The two white forms with brown borders are blood vessels. Inside, gold nanoparticles accumulate against their walls. Mariana Varna-Pannerec (ESPCI)

Destroying tumors with gold nanoparticles

Gold can be used to make jewelry, but also to fight cancer. Several clinical trials are currently underway in the United States where patients are being treated with gold nanoparticles.
Heads of state attended the G7 summit in La Malbaie, Quebec, on June 9, 2018. Top row: European Council president Donald Tusk, UN Secretary-General António Guterres, International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde. Bottom row: Seychelles President Danny Faure, French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. US president Donald Trump’s recent protectionist moves were at the top of the agenda. Ludovic Marin/AFP

Trade war with the United States: a positive outcome for Europe?

After the G7 fiasco, it’s clear that a trade war is in the making. US justifications of “national security concerns” for its tariffs suggest a legitimate target for EU countermeasures: coal.
Cloud services are flexible, but are they secure? Pxhere

Beware of shadows created by the cloud

Outside IT projects managed without the knowledge of IT departments are on the rise. What are the risks and possible consequences?

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