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Todos os artigos de TPP

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About 98% of US exporters are small businesses. Cargo ship via

We may have cinched TPP, but is US trade a lost cause?

The signing of the Trans-Pacific Partnership belies the fact that the US’s share of trade in the region has been declining for some time.
The exclusion of China from the TPP comes from the dominance of protectionist interests, such as the US agricultural sector. Reuters/Kevin Lamarque

Oh no, we forgot about China - the flaw at the centre of the TPP

If the Trans-Pacific Partnership was really about economic growth, it would include China, rather than deliberately locking it out.
Australia needs agreements like the TPP to counter protectionism. AAP/Tracey Nearmy

Ratifying the TPP may be tough, but Australia needs it

The Trans-Pacific Partnership may not be a done deal, but Australia cannot avoid the realities of the cut-throat business of international capital, trade and investment.
The new Trans-Pacific trade deal has its sights squarely on financial services. Image sourced from

Growing our services industry will be the main gain from the TPP

Trade minister Andrew Robb must now “sell” the benefits of the Trans-Pacific Partnership - he could do worse than to concentrate on how our services sector will gain.
Representatives of the 12 Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) member countries at a press conference in Atlanta, after a deal was reached. EPA/Erik S. Lesser

Why biologics were such a big deal in the Trans Pacific Partnership

Before the last round of negotiations, only a handful of issues remained in the way of concluding the TPP. A potential deal-breaker for Australia was intellectual property protections for biologics.
The balance of trade positions of Australian agriculture and food manufacturing have deteriorated since FTAs with New Zealand, the United States and Thailand have come into play. Flickr/Phil Greenhalgh

Free trade agreements fail to boost Australian agriculture and food manufacturing

Analysis of free trade agreements with New Zealand, the US and Thailand show these failed to boost Australian agriculture and food imports.
Republicans and Democrats have a hard time agreeing on anything, but the issue of trade seems to defy party affiliation. Teeter totter via

Why fight over free trade confounds partisan divide

The passage of fast-track trading authority represents a rare moment of bipartisan compromise. How did it happen?
The fight over fast-track trade authority increasingly resembles a Shakespearean tragedy. Tempest via

Obama, Shakespeare and the aborted legacy of the Trans-Pacific trade agreement

Events in Washington this week on the proposed historic 12-member Trans-Pacific trade agreement have had all the key elements of a Shakespearean tragedy. A resolute, noble and well-intentioned ruler (played…
If the proposals are agreed, they could delay the market entry of generic medicines in the region – and the impact will be felt around the world. Jeng_Niamwhan

RCEP: the trade agreement you’ve never heard of but should be concerned about

Seven rounds of negotiations for the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership have already taken place with virtually no public debate. The next round of negotiations begins today in Kyoto, Japan.
John Kerry talks trade with workers at Boeing POOL New/ Reuters

Is TPP about jobs – or China?

Washington is in the midst of a heated debate over President Obama’s proposed Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement. It certainly has created some unorthodox political bedfellows. The president is…

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