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Todos os artigos de UK elections 2015

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Even Nick’s crystal ball has done a runner. PA

Too big and too small: Lib Dems just can’t win in a crowded field

The UK’s smaller political parties have been showered with attention of late. We’ve seen Green Party leader Natalie Bennett interviewed on the BBC’s Andrew Marr Show – one of the most coveted media platforms…
Time to take a chance on the European model? De rödgröna/Wikimedia Commons

UKIP is Britain’s most European party – no, really

Don’t tell them this, but UKIP are the most European party out there. Britain’s democracy is increasingly diverse and complex, and with the growth of UKIP on the right and the Greens on the left its political…
Murray is offering a British moon on a British stick. Joel Ryan/AP/Press Association Images

Could the Pub Landlord really call time on Nigel Farage?

There is much to ponder about comedian Al Murray’s decision to run in the British general election. Murray – as his Pub Landlord character – will stand against UKIP’s Nigel Farage in the constituency of…
Louise Mensch was one of the first single-termers to leave our current parliament. Stefan Wermuth/PA Archive

The arrival (and departure) of the parliamentary single-termers

All university admissions tutors know about single-termers. They are those students – some badly advised and intellectually bewildered, others more devious – who decide around mid-November that they want…
Miliband is fighting a grassroots campaign - but will it push Labour over the line? Nick Ansell/PA Wire

Hard Evidence: does door-to-door campaigning work?

With the 2015 General Election set for May 7, Britain’s political parties have lost no time in stepping up their campaign activities. The country faces four months of intense electioneering, as the parties…
What happens when it doesn’t add up? EPA/Daniel Deme

How negotiations over a hung parliament might work in 2015

Britain is now in full general election countdown mode – and the polls indicate another hung parliament is the most likely outcome on May 7. Gus O’Donnell, the former cabinet secretary, recently reflected…
Cameron’s long term economic plan involves more debt and deficit. Peter Byrne/PA Wire

The UK cannot ‘live within its means’ under David Cameron

In the first of a series of keynote speeches Prime Minister David Cameron identified the central theme of the Conservative Party’s 2015 general election manifesto: “to get Britain back to living within…
This is my doorbell finger. EPA/Facundo Arrizabalaga

Ed Miliband bets on movement politics to win Labour the election

Ed Miliband’s promise to hold four million doorstep chats with voters during this year’s electoral campaign was met with derision by some commentators. The Guardian mockingly calculated that the Labour…
Ed’s Scottish banana skin. Peter Byrne/PA

Labour really does face a tough battle in Scotland

May’s general election is widely being viewed as one of the most unpredictable in living memory. Yet there is one prediction that can probably be safely made – the campaign in Scotland will be a very distinct…
4 million houses is how many chocolate Hob Nobs? Peter Byrne/PA Wire

When Miliband comes a-knocking, will anyone be home?

Ed Miliband has kicked off the 2015 election campaign with a new strategy. He’ll be shunning glossy advertising to meet people at their doors. But it’s already clear that he will have to fight to be heard…
If you stay very still, it can’t see you. Oli Scarff/PA Archive

2014: the year the old guard woke up to multi-party politics

Psephologists have been warning for decades now that multi-party politics is on the rise in the UK, but for most of the time they have been ignored. Everything changed in 2014 though, and the old guard…
Scan it, stamp it, forget about it? Charles Taylor/shutterstock

Immigration system is full of holes but can Labour fix it?

Ed Miliband has unveiled his party’s second pledge for the forthcoming general election, promising to “control immigration with fair rules”. The Labour leader promised to strengthen the enforcement of…
Jim’s the new heid bummer. Danny Lawson/PA

Jim Murphy wins in Scotland … but can he save Ed Miliband?

So the bookies were right. The new leader of Labour in Scotland is indeed Jim Murphy. The challenge from Neil Findlay (less so Sarah Boyack) wasn’t enough to produce an upset. Not only is the future of…
What do you say Dave — five more years? Stefan Rousseau/PA Wir

Should the UK call time on fixed-term elections?

The UK is having what might be called a constitutional moment. In the wake of the Scottish referendum and after nearly five years of coalition government, the fundamental rules of the political game are…

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