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Todos os artigos de Vaccine equity

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A physician’s assistant prepares the monkeypox vaccine before inoculating a patient. AP

Monkeypox – the next global vaccine equity failure?

The hoarding of the COVID-19 vaccine by wealthy nations led to global calls for vaccine equity. Unless wealthy nations commit to change, the monkeypox vaccine rollout could meet a similar fate.
Global Justice campaigners in London stand by fake coffins to highlight global COVID-19 deaths. If pharma companies waived intellectual property rights, it would be easier for low- and middle-income countries to access COVID-19 vaccines. (AP Photo/Alastair Grant)

We still need a vaccine patent waiver, but not the one on offer at the World Trade Organization meeting

Waiving patent rights on COVID-19 vaccines and drugs is still crucial to ensure access globally, but the waiver on the table at the June World Trade Organization meeting doesn’t do the job.
While people in the wealthy West have had preferred access to multiple rounds of vaccines, vast numbers of people, especially in Africa and on the Indian subcontinent, haven’t received a single dose. (Pixabay/Canva)

COVID-19 vaccine inequity allowed Omicron to emerge

In places with low vaccination rates, COVID-19 has the chance to linger, and variants develop and travel. Without global vaccine equity, this entirely predictable pattern will repeat itself.
A Delta Health Center worker at a pop-up COVID-19 vaccination clinic in rural Mississippi in April 2021. Spencer Platt/Getty Images

How public health partnerships are encouraging COVID-19 vaccination in Mississippi, Michigan, Indiana and South Carolina

Achieving widespread immunity to COVID-19 through vaccination requires as many people as possible to get their shots, including those who object or haven’t bothered.
Hundreds of residents of Toronto’s M3N postal code, a hotspot for COVID-19 infections, line up at a pop-up vaccine clinic on In April 2021. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Cole Burston

Even with equal vaccination rates, COVID-19 hotspots still have higher infection rates

Hotspot neighbourhoods with greater COVID-19 risk exposure continued to have higher infection rates even when they achieved vaccination levels equal to lower-risk neighbourhoods.

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