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Todos os artigos de Values

Exibindo 21 - 40 de 41 artigos

Solving the world’s climate problems will require many kinds of brain power. UC Irvine School of Humanities

Why science needs the humanities to solve climate change

Climate change isn’t just a technical challenge – it also involves ethics, social justice and cultural values. Insights from literature, philosophy and other humanities can produce better solutions.
Mitt Romney is sworn in as senator on Jan. 3, 2019 at the Old Senate Chambers in the U.S. Capitol. REUTERS/Jack Gruber-USA TODAY

Romney’s Mormon religion helps explain his criticism of Trump

Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah is one of the very few GOP critics of President Trump’s character and leadership. Why has he staked out this lonely position? His Mormon faith.
Values are key to a nation’s success and the happiness of its citizens. Those associated with femininity, in particular, make for a happier country. (Shutterstock)

A recipe for a successful nation

What makes for a thriving nation and happy citizens? Values. A nation’s institutions need people with supporting underlying values to perform at their best.
Blazing remnants of the off shore oil rig Deepwater Horizon, off Louisiana, in 2010. The losses produced by polluting companies should cost as ‘negative’ for a country’s growth. Reuters/US Coast Guard/Files

Why capitalism wins. And how a simple accounting move can defeat it

A new accounting system that goes beyond the capitalist understanding of value is bubbling under and could topple capitalism itself.
Is there really a strong division between folks like Brexit leader Farage and global citizens Bill Gates and Canadian PM Justin Trudeau? REUTERS/Peter Nicholls, Geoff Robins

Rise in globalism doesn’t mean the end for nationalists

Data show that many people who consider themselves ‘global citizens’ also harbor strong national sentiments. The two aren’t mutually exclusive.
Signs of satisfaction after Donald Trump was elected. Jeff Karoub/AP

Do conservatives value ‘moral purity’ more than liberals?

While research has long suggested that we like others who are like us, a new study offers insight into how we choose to support those who share our views of ‘moral purity.’ It may explain how we voted.

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