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Articles on Climate change

Displaying 41 - 60 of 6975 articles

In France’s Drôme region, new wind turbines contrast with the aging Tricastin nuclear power plant, build in the early 1980s. Jeanne Menjoulet/Wikimedia

The problems with climate scenarios, and how to fix them

Climate modelling wields huge influence on governments and investors’ decisions. Yet, researchers point out a lack of precision.
A seabed habitat on the ocean floor off the coast of Nova Scotia seen on the third dive of the NOAA Deep Connections 2019 expedition. (NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research)

New research sheds lights on the huge carbon store in Canada’s seabed

New research has revealed the scale of the carbon-storage potential of the seabeds around Canada, conservation efforts must take this new data into account.

Of ice and fire: what sea salt in Antarctic snowfall reveals about bushfires worse than the Black Summer

Howling winds take sea salt from the Southern Ocean and lay it down in Antarctica as snow, then ice. Hidden in these ice cores is a warning about Australian fire seasons.
Fertilizer is a leading source of emissions of nitrous oxide, a planet-warming greenhouse gas. pixdeluxe/E+ via Getty Images

Food has a climate problem: Nitrous oxide emissions are accelerating with growing demand for fertilizer and meat – but there are solutions

The most comprehensive assessment yet of a powerful greenhouse gas shows which countries are driving the increase, and which ones are successfully cutting emissions.
AAP Image/Scott Barbour

Extreme heat is a killer for outdoor sporting events – let’s plan properly to keep everyone safe

Here’s how to reduce heat-related health risks during major sporting events, from the Summer Olympics to test cricket. Athletes, officials, spectators and volunteers all need to take responsibility.

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