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Articles on Climate change

Displaying 6841 - 6860 of 6975 articles

Improved modelling will help predict future climatic events, like changing summer rainfall. AAP

Getting projections right: predicting future climate

Region by region projections of how climate is likely to change over the coming decades help to make the prospect of global warming more tangible and relevant. Picturing the climate we are likely to have…
Australia was shocked when the city of Canberra burned, but are we better prepared now? AAP

As the climate shifts, are Australian cities ready?

Climate change challenges some of the fundamental assumptions on which our cities have been built. Within a generation or two, a city like Sydney may become exposed to a climate that is more similar to…

On again, off again for Arctic ice

New research indicates that although Arctic sea ice will melt away as the climate continues to warm, it may temporarily stabilise…
Simple seagrass can answer some complex climate problems. Joanne Saad

Our home is girt by sea; our land abounds in nature’s carbon sinks

Reducing carbon emissions is necessary, but what about the carbon that has already been released into the atmosphere? Many countries are turning to “biosequestration” for the answers: using nature - including…
Methane, emitted in large amounts by wetlands and rice paddies, is being released into the atmosphere at a declining rate but the reason for this remains unclear. Flickr/Kansas Poetry

The case of the disappearing methane

Methane has been floating into the atmosphere at a slower rate over the last three decades but two new papers published in the journal Nature put forward very different theories as to why it’s happening…
Increased frequencies and intensities of some extreme weather events are very likely. Zanthia/Flickr

Explainer: what we know and don’t know about climate change

Most Australians believe that climate change is real and want to learn more about it, but the debate in the media and on the internet makes it difficult for lay people to know who and what to believe…
Finding the right road to adaptation is a complicated business. Shrek Graham/Flickr

Adapting to climate change: how will we learn to do it?

Looking back over recent years, it is possible to trace a shifting focus of scientific and political attention in the debate on climate change. First, we identified human-induced forcing of climate change…
Bush fires are just the start of the problems we’ll see in a world four degrees warmer. Sean Marshall/flickr

Are you ready for a four degree world?

In mid-July, as Prime Minister Gillard began to stump the countryside selling her carbon package, a conference at the University of Melbourne considered the prospect of climate policy failure. Climate…
Polar bears are at the centre of a scientific fracas in the US. AAP

Polar bear scientist on thin ice in Arctic imbroglio

Something does not add up. About two weeks ago, a scientist working for the US Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Enforcement and Regulation (BOEMRE), Dr Charles Monnett, was placed on administrative leave…

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