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Articles on Data sharing

Displaying 21 - 38 of 38 articles

Why did people make their personal information so easily available to a company that facilitates cheating? Johan Viirok

Is there a teaching moment in the Ashley Madison hack?

In the Ashley Madison hack were reports of 74,468 unique “.edu” email addresses. If people chose to use their .edu addresses, what does that tell us about awareness of privacy online?
‘Sign it? I mean, have you seen these new Facebook terms and conditions?’ Unknown artist

What use would a digital bill of rights be?

The Liberal Democrats have been a lone voice among the parties calling for a digital bill of rights governing our growing use of the internet. But is it the right solution for the problem in hand?
The consent policies of popular websites would take a month to read. Perhaps including a sign like this would be a simpler solution. Shutterstock

Personal privacy is eroding as consent policies of Google and Facebook evoke ‘fantasy world’

We live in a world increasingly dominated by our personal data. Some of those data we choose to reveal, for example, through social media, email and the billions – yes, billions – of messages, photos and…
Don’t look a big data gift horse in the mouth. Horse graphic by Yganko/Shutterstock

Is big data heading for its ‘horsemeat moment’?

There have been so many leaks, hacks and scares based on misuse or misappropriation of personal data that any thought that “big data” could provide benefits rather than only opportunities for harm may… helped make Open Document Format popular. Flickr/Josep Puigdemont

Sharing work is easier with an Open Document Format

We often wish to share electronic documents with friends, colleagues, business or government, and the software application we use to prepare these documents will save them in a particular format. Any application…
You want to see what’s in my trolley? What’s in it for me? Alan

The next internet revolution brings data to the market

Every day, our lives are being captured digitally in the data that is generated by our transactions, interactions and movements. And as we become more connected through the internet of things, even more…
The trend towards cloud storage has privacy implications for individuals.

Get off my cloud: when privacy laws meet cloud computing

What does privacy mean in an age of ongoing privacy breaches? With new privacy law coming online in Australia on March 12, our Privacy in Practice series explores the practical challenges facing Australian…
Data protection may soon come at a price. Randomskk

Hard evidence: how much is your data worth to you?

Data privacy is on our minds like never before. In a relatively small amount of time many of us have gone from carrying out our daily transactions in person to conducting them digitally. We pay energy…
Sharing raw data is not much harder today than rearranging scrabble tiles. Justin Grimes

Funding bodies will have to force scientists to share data

The open access movement is forcing publishers to take down paywalls, making publicly funded research available to the public for free. But beyond that a more important development is pacing in the wings…
You like? You buy? Friends aren’t the only ones you share with. escapedtowisconsin

Facebook trials a new way to push your buttons …

Facebook is currently trialling a range of new buttons that could influence how your data is harvested. The trials have been construed by some observers as a response to the corporation’s anaemic share…
Technical, financial and legal barriers stop the sharing of vital information in medical research. Frans de Waal/ Wikimedia Commons

Sharing is caring: we need open access to genetic information

A paper published today in Science Translational Medicine calls for the open sharing of clinical trial data among the medical research community. Researchers argue data sharing would lead to faster, more…

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