Australia is facing climate hazards on all fronts this spring and summer. Climate scientist Andrew King walks us through the Bureau of Meteorology’s new national outlook.
Understanding what to do when faced with flooding on the road is an important, yet often overlooked aspect of driver education, which could be the difference between life and death.
You might be wondering: what is a ‘Black Nor'easter’, what’s causing all this rain and does it have anything to do with climate change? Here’s what you need to know.
If this case succeeds, it could set a precedent to hold major polluters responsible for the effects of climate change – even on the other side of the world.
Alaska has at least 120 glacier-dammed lakes, and almost all have drained at least once since 1985, a new study shows. Small ones have been producing larger floods in recent years.
New or improved flood protection can give a false sense of security – the so-called ‘levee effect’. But climate change is unpredictable, meaning ‘residual risk’ always exists and must be planned for.
FEMA runs the largest managed retreat program in the country, Two disaster response experts looked at the demographics of who gets those buyouts and where they go.
Yes, we need better flood warnings. But most of us don’t or can’t evacuate from floods. Safety means focusing on community resilience as well as warnings
COP27 wraps up with Solutions Day, focusing on sustainable cities and transport, green buildings and resilient infrastructure. Climate-related disasters show the urgency of urban planning responses.
Our heavy reliance on sandbagging suggests we really don’t understand the river landscapes we inhabit. We must learn from communities that have developed better solutions to living with floods.