Sabrina has worked in the education, workforce, ageing, research and health sector for 20+ years. She has published over 75 papers on floods, mental health, (rural) health workforce, health professional education and training, employability, ageing, drug use, and digital health. She is regularly invited to speak at APEC meetings and inter(national) conferences, e.g. the Singapore Work health and Safety Conference 18 November 2020, and the Australian Industry Group 21 October 2020 on ageing workforce, and global standardisation practices in human resources and ageing societies.
Sabrina is a standardisation expert. She works internationally and nationally on standardisation practices and consensus building to improve trade and consumer confidence in ageing, work and digital technology on global and national scale. She is the current chair of Standards Australia Mirror Board - Ageing Societies and Convenor of the International Organization for Standardization Technical Committee Ageing Societies- Working Group Ageing Workforce and active member of the International Organization for Standardization of TC 268 Sustainable Cities and Communities, and TC 260 Human Resources Management, including employee engagement and learning and development.
Currently, she works for the NSW Rural Doctors Network as Research and Knowledge Translation Analyst. Previously, she was the Workforce Research Stream Leader and Lead Academic, Clinical and Educational Research at the University Centre for Rural Health (University of Sydney and Western Sydney University) 2014-2020. She has supervised and taught over 200 clinicians, medical, nursing, and allied health students how to do research, including EBM, qualitative and quantitative research methods and biostatistics.
Sabrina has worked in the private and not-for-profit sector. She has managed a medical practice and has held non-executive board positions with an aged care provider (2012-2016) and a disability service provider since 2018. She was a member of the Steering Group, Standards Australia Asia-Pacific Economic Cooparation Silver Economy Project and an Australian representative on the International Standards Organisation/Technical Management Board Group/Strategic Advisory Group on Ageing Societies. She is a member of the Northern NSW Local Health District Human Research Ethics Committee and the Ballina shire Dementia Friendly Alliance, responsible for grants. She has recently led and won a grant to improve digital literacy for people living with dementia during COVID-19.
She has a PhD (Health Behaviour), a MSc, a Grad Cert Teaching (Higher ed.) and a Dip (WHS).