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Articles on Food security

Displaying 261 - 280 of 467 articles

Farmed fish like these carp now make an important contribution to global food security. Ben Belton

Let them eat carp: Fish farms are helping to fight hunger

Many critics say that fish farms mainly sell their output to wealthy countries and don’t provide much benefit to poor people in producing countries. Three aquaculture experts show why this view is wrong.
Lagoons and vineyards from Gydo Pass in the Western Cape. Water is crucial for such commodities. Shutterstock

How Western Cape farmers are being hit by the drought

In periods of water stress, farmers need support, research assistance and empathy from governments and competing water users.
Soybean crop on a family farm near Humboldt, Iowa, 2017. USDA/Preston Keres

What the 2018 farm bill means for urban, suburban and rural America

Congress is drafting the 2018 farm bill, which will guide agriculture, nutrition, trade and rural development policy. A former agriculture secretary explains how this bill reaches far beyond farms.
A Zimbabwean man harvests maize from a field outside Harare. Reuters/Philimon Bulawayo

Why reducing post-harvest losses is a priority for Africa

The Food and Agriculture organisation estimates that 30 to 40% of total food production is lost before it reaches the market. The losses in Africa are greater and sustainable strategies are needed.
Marine waters are an important source of food for Inuit. (Judith Slein/Flickr)

Latest rocket launch renews concerns over Inuit food security

The North Water Polynya, or Pikialasorsuaq, is a key ocean area for Arctic animals and for Inuit hunting and fishing. Rocket launches threaten to contaminate the area with harmful chemicals.
Smallholder agriculture in southern Ethiopia. Smallholder farmers are particularly vulnerable to food insecurity. Leah Samberg

World hunger is increasing thanks to wars and climate change

According to the UN, world hunger is rising for the first time in 15 years. The answer is not only growing more food, but also buffering small-scale farmers against climate change and armed conflicts.
122 million of 155 million stunted children live in conflict countries. (Piyaset/

Conflict and climate change lead to a rise in global hunger

Development officials have been cautiously optimistic that we were on our way to eradicating hunger. But a recent report by the UN shows a surge in global hunger due to conflict and climate change.
Few Puerto Ricans expect the Trump administration to help the island as it did hurricane-hit Texas and Florida, yet the island’s recent bankruptcy has left it facing a humanitarian disaster. Reuters/Ricardo Rojas

Puerto Rico’s bankruptcy will make hurricane recovery brutal – here’s why

Hurricane Maria has left 3.4 million Puerto Ricans facing shortages of food, health care and transit, an American humanitarian crisis fueled by the US territory’s May 2017 bankruptcy.
A photographer’s rendition of the neo-Nazi milk fetish. Milk has been a symbol for Nazis for decades. (Livonia Stronk/Imgur)

Milk, a symbol of neo-Nazi hate

The U.S.-based white supremacist movement that calls itself the “alt-right” has recently embraced milk as a symbol.

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