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Articles on Higher education

Displaying 781 - 800 of 1301 articles

Multicultural friendships formed in college help develop students’ cultural agility. Rawpixel /

The decline in foreign students hurts America’s future

International student integration can (and should) be fostered on college campuses for the sake of national security and professional readiness.
Those already working will face tax increases of 1%-2% of their income from 2018. from

Let graduates use super to pay off HELP debt faster

The government should add a ‘super payment option’ that allows graduates to offset the cost of their HELP repayments.
Africa Studio/

Helping military service members complete college

Every year, thousands of active military and veterans enroll as undergrads, but only half leave with a degree. What cheap and effective strategies could help our military complete college?
Students protested at UC Berkeley on both sides: in opposition to Ann Coulter and in support of free speech. AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez

Can we talk about free speech on campus?

What legal rules must colleges and universities follow when it comes to speech on campus? And, beyond legal requirements, what is a school’s obligation to protect – or limit – free speech?
High school and college students protested Trump’s inauguration at Seattle Central College in January. AP Photo/Elaine Thompson

Helping student activists move past ‘us vs. them’

When it comes to politics these days, it feels like everything is ‘my way or the highway.’ What can colleges do to end this moral fundamentalism and get students listening to each other?

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