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Articles on Judaism

Displaying 101 - 120 of 147 articles

In the United States, Hanukkah has gained much significance. Tercer Ojo Photography/

How Hanukkah came to America

Hanukkah is ranked one of Judaism’s minor festivals, but its popularity in the US has a lot to do with America’s Jews trying to fight assimilation into a culture that welcomed them.
Two women hug before placing flowers at the Star of David memorial in front of the Tree of Life Synagogue, two days after a mass shooting in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Jared Wickerham/AAP

How anti-Semitic stereotypes from a century ago echo today

With anti-semitism on the rise around the world, it is timely to consider how images and media discourses can embolden hate crimes.
Prayers outside the Tree of Life synagogue. Reuters/Cathal McNaughton

How safe is your place of worship?

A national survey of over 1,300 congregations found that religious leaders struggle to balance security concerns with carrying out a mission to be open to the communities they serve.
Rally organized by HIAS, a Jewish group that supports refugees, outside the White House. Ted Eytan/Flickr

Religion and refugees are deeply entwined in the US

The idea of welcoming the stranger is central to Christianity, Judaism and Islam. Today, that engenders a responsibility to shield refugees and other immigrants from violence and oppression.
Immigrants and inspectors in the registry room for legal inspections at Ellis Island.

Jewish Americans changed their names, but not at Ellis Island

Thousands of Jewish immigrants and their children changed their names in America – but not at Ellis Island. The reasons are complicated and part of the Jewish struggle with their identity in America.
A protest by ‘If Not Now’ outside the annual conference of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee in Washington, D.C., March 2017. Gili Getz

As Israel turns 70, many young American Jews turn away

As Israel approaches the 70th anniversary of its establishment, many older American Jews will be celebrating. Many younger ones will wonder whether the Jewish state is something to celebrate at all.
Jewish law recognises patient choice as decisive in some situations where assisted dying may be an option. shutterstock

What Jewish law says about suicide and assisted dying

Under Jewish law the preservation of human life is a cardinal commandment: both suicide and self-endangerment are forbidden.

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