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Professor of Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies and Chaiken Family Chair in Jewish Studies, Penn State

Daniel Falk is the Chaiken Family Chair in Jewish Studies, Department Head and Professor of Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies at Penn State University. He is a specialist in Dead Sea Scrolls, early Judaism, biblical studies, and prayer in the ancient world. He earned his PhD at Cambridge University in 1995, and was Kennicott Fellow in Hebrew at the Oxford University Oriental Institute (1995-1998), and Professor of Ancient Judaism and Biblical Studies at the University of Oregon (1998-2014). He is the author of two books (Daily, Sabbath, and Festival Prayers in the Dead Sea Scrolls, 1998; Parabiblical Texts: Strategies for Extending the Scriptures in the Dead Sea Scrolls, 2007), co-editor of 7 books, and author of over 30 scholarly articles on the Dead Sea Scrolls. He is a member of the International Team of Editors of the Dead Sea Scrolls, and co-editor of the new series Brill Dead Sea Scrolls Editions.


  • –present
    Professor of Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies and Chaiken Family Chair in Jewish Studies, Pennsylvania State University