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Articles on Microsoft

Displaying 141 - 160 of 172 articles

Are you ready to say good bye to Windows XP? Flickr/Rowell Dionicio

The end is nigh for Windows XP: are you ready?

Almost 13 years after its release in October 2001 to a world still in shock after the 9/11 terror attacks, the sun is finally setting on Microsoft’s Windows XP. The operating system has been the software…
MongoDB co-founder and chairman Dwight Merriman still writes code. TechCrunch/Flickr

The new technologies needed for dealing with big data

While much focus and discussion of the so-called “Big Data revolution” has been on the data itself and the exciting new applications it is enabling — from Google’s self-driving cars through to CSIRO and…
After a long search, the right person was right under Microsoft’s nose. Heisenberg Media

Microsoft seeks security in the expert hands of Satya Nadella

Faced with uncertain times, Microsoft has named Satya Nadella as its new CEO. His appointment follows months of speculation over who would replace longstanding leader Steve Ballmer, who retired last year…
Civil servants everywhere heave a sigh of relief. psd

There’s no better time for governments to go open source

The UK government has revealed that it is considering ditching Microsoft software for open source alternatives. Cabinet minister Frances Maude has said he wants to see a range of software being adopted…
Exercise in front of screens has yet to take off. wiiuspiele

Sorry gamers, Wii Fit is no substitute for real exercise

It’s been about ten years since Sony popularised “exergaming” – games where you move your body along with the game – with the release of Eye Toy. The device projected players into video games by getting…
Windows 8 made sense in theory, but in reality has failed to hit the mark. Justin Lane/AAP

Windows 8 and Microsoft’s missed mobile moment

To say that Microsoft is struggling at the moment is an understatement. The search for a new CEO is not going well, Microsoft mobile phones are still failing to capture any significant mind and market…
The search for Steve Ballmer’s replacement at Microsoft is hampered by the fact he will remain on the board. EPA/Michaelâ Kappeler

The long search for Microsoft’s next CEO

Microsoft is hunting for a new CEO, and five months after Steve Ballmer agreed to retire, the search continues. There are some key reasons why potential CEOs being considered for the post may think twice…
A race to the bottom on cloud costs sounds good on the surface, but it could also drive volatility for cloud users.

Cloud price wars could drive ‘volatility as a service’

Since Google announced the launch of its Compute Engine in mid 2012, the competition for this lucrative slice of the cloud market has heated up. Amazon AWS, which has the lion’s share of the cloud infrastructure…
The Microsoft Kinect, a motion sensor device for the video gaming first released in 2010, is the tip of the iceberg in terms of interactivity, according to researchers at a new social interactive technology lab in Melbourne. EPA/Oliver Berg

Microsoft partners with university but industry collaboration still weak

Microsoft’s research arm will partner with the University of Melbourne to explore how people interact socially with technology. But indicators continue to show Australia trailing other countries in terms…
Are search engines really at the front line in the fight against child pornography? GoodNCrazy

Blocks just move child porn under the counter

Google and Microsoft have agreed to install filters on their search engines to prevent them being used to search for child abuse images. Some queries on Google and Bing will be blocked, while others will…
Microsoft is running out of temptations to sell Office software to consumers. Sunfox/Flickr

Apple takes on Microsoft, but Google still the master of ‘free’

With the release of new iPads and Mac hardware, Apple announced that not only would the latest version of the Mac OS, Mavericks, be free, but it would also be giving away its iWork office productivity…
All this cash should soften the landing. Sheba_Also

Finns crestfallen as golden parachute tangles up Nokia

After the revelation that Stephen Elop, the CEO of Nokia, received a bonus of €18.8m following the company’s merger with his former employer Microsoft, executive “golden parachutes” are back on the public…
The glory days. Nokia’s 8250 and the iconic 3210. Brad Scruse

In an escalation of commitment, Nokia becomes Microsoft

Microsoft’s takeover of Nokia’s mobile phone division won’t come as much of a surprise to anyone who has kept an eye on the pair for any length of time. Two years ago, the two companies decided to collaborate…
Microsoft chief Steve Ballmer is taking Nokia’s mobile business off the hands of its interim CEO, Risto Siilasmaa. AAP

Microsoft buys Nokia to make its own phones. Will they be that smart?

In a move that was paradoxically as unexpected as it was inevitable, Finnish mobile phone company Nokia has sold its mobile phones business to Microsoft for US$7.2 billion. The deal comes at a time when…
The US and Finland: united by ice hockey and not much else. RicLaf

Microsoft-Nokia culture clash will be tough to overcome

Among Western nations it would be difficult to find two cultures as different as the US and Finland. Americans are stereotypically confident and outgoing; Finns considerably more reserved. This is even…
“They hate me! I’m rich!” Javier Dominguez Ferreiro

Steve Ballmer: the hits and misses of a Microsoft CEO

How much are you worth to your company? Earlier this week, Steve Ballmer had the misfortune to discover that the announcement of his retirement increased Microsoft’s share price by 7.6%. Dispiriting as…
Microsoft’s negative marketing campaign says less about Google and more about its insecurity in the IT industry. AAP/Everett Kennedy Brown

Microsoft’s mean streak reveals a company in crisis

You can tell a lot about an organisation’s culture and view of the world by looking at what it says about its competitors. Some enterprises, just like some politicians and academics, are serene. They don’t…

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