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Articles on Students

Displaying 361 - 380 of 533 articles

Is the benefit of a university education overstated? from

What role should universities play in today’s society?

Young people today will need to be more flexible and more entrepreneurial than in the past. Universities can help by designing courses that will have value in a rapidly changing economy.
Monash University and the University of Sydney are the two newcomers to the list. Nils Versemann/Shutterstock

Six Australian universities make the global top 100 list

Australia had more universities in the top 100 than any other nation, apart from the US and UK.
Research shows that the test error is too high in NAPLAN. from

NAPLAN data is not comparable across school years

It is not reasonable for politicians to say NAPLAN results have plateaued, because comparisons from year to year are not reliably accurate.
Students pay between $6,256 and $10,440 for a university degree, depending on which course they choose to study. from

Explainer: how student fees are set for different university courses

After almost a decade of failed processes to reform the current funding system, the government must produce a revised system that improves the quality of outcomes for students in all courses.
Education policy should focus on making sure that every student makes great progress, rather than accountability for test scores or teacher performance pay. from

Three schools reforms that will lift student outcomes

Focusing on progress – not just achievement – and investing in improving teaching practice will help to lift slipping standards in Australian schools.
Students at the Cape York Aboriginal Australian Academy in Aurukun. Peter Holmes A Court

What went wrong at Aurukun School?

The lesson to be learned from Aurukun is around the impact of out-sourcing education to commercial interests.
Under a demand driven system, poor students are finding more opportunities to attend university. from

Uncapping of university places has not failed disadvantaged students

While on the face of it a 1.5% increase in the number of disadvantaged students going to university might seem minimal, in real terms this is genuinely significant.

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