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Articles on UK energy policy

Displaying 61 - 80 of 84 articles

Reach for your wardrobe, not your thermostat. midnightcomm

Why room temperature needed to be taken down a notch

What is a healthy room temperature? On releasing its Cold Weather Plan for 2014, Public Health England has recently revised its recommended minimum levels to keep in good health. No longer, they say, do…
Big may be beautiful but it’s also inflexible and expensive. Andrew Parsons/PA

Small nuclear reactors may be the key to a low-carbon future

Take a hard look at the painful process of de-carbonising the UK’s electricity supply, and it’s clear that the options on the table are not great. From the outset, changes to the system generate further…
Time to put some heat into the hydrogen industry. Flames on a black background, Olga Nikonova

Heat subsidies leave hydrogen and fuel cells out in the cold

The inhabitants of a frequently cold and windy country like the UK need to heat their homes, even in what is loosely termed “summer”. This is achieved mostly by natural gas-fed boilers – but this dependence…
A rose-tinted view of central energy planning, or the best fit for the job? Ackers72

Back to the CEGB? Greater central control of UK energy may be inevitable

While a privatised energy market has delivered stable and cost-effective electricity to Britain’s national grid for 25 years, the world and the pressures it faces are changing. A group of Newcastle University…
The future will be dimly lit without tackling the growing energy gap. Ben Curtis/PA

The energy policy pendulum must cease its endless swinging

The Conservative Party apparently plans to introduce a moratorium on future onshore wind farms from 2020, hanging their hat on the growth of offshore wind instead, and following Germany’s lead by expanding…
Too complex by half. Albert Bridge

UK energy policy gets more complex, but goes nowhere

With floods sweeping the country, energy policy has slipped down the agenda since Labour’s attention-grabbing price freeze policy announcement. And this of course is unfortunate, as energy policy is central…
10% price rises are becoming the new normal. Rui Vieira/PA

Raise income tax to tackle escalating energy prices

Energy prices seem seldom out of the news. Politicians show their frustration with the energy market in proposing various solutions. This week Tory grandee and former prime minister John Major has called…
The future Hinkley Point C nuclear power station (centre), with older reactors. EDF

Hinkley C goes ahead, but future nuclear costs must fall

There has long been talk of the need for a “nuclear renaissance”, and now it seems underway. The deal has been struck that would see the first new British nuclear power station in a generation. But is…
If bills are kept low, will there be a price to paid in other ways? Rui Vieira/PA

Miliband bill freeze won’t fix fuel poverty or leaky houses

First the banks lost the public’s trust, then the tax activities of some large corporations were brought under scrutiny. So perhaps taking on the “big six” UK energy companies as household fuel bills incessantly…

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