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Articles on Weight loss

Displaying 181 - 200 of 284 articles

Unlike the immediacy of cooking, gaining and losing fat are relatively slow processes. Rapid methods for weight loss are rarely sustainable. from

Why terms like ‘shred, burn and melt’ belong in the kitchen, not the gym

Celebrity fitness gurus tell us to turn up the heat in the gym to see immediate results. But the science of how we use energy in our bodies shows a long-term view is the best approach.
Metabolism can change after weight loss. Women measuring waist image via

Why so many people regain weight after dieting

Weight loss often leads to declines in our resting metabolic rate – how many calories we burn at rest – which makes it hard to keep the weight off. So why does weight loss make resting metabolism go down?
Contrary to myth, sex is not good exercise. From

Sex and other myths about weight loss

Losing weight is hard enough to do without myths interfering in the process. Information based on evidence, not legend, is important. Doctors aren’t enough. Friends, family, media need to be on board.
Why is persistent weight loss and weight maintenance so difficult? AAP Image/Tracey Nearmy

Why we regain weight after drastic dieting

One would imagine the body would generally be supportive of weight loss. If so, why is persistent weight loss and weight maintenance so difficult?

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