President Biden wants to use his $2.25 trillion infrastructure plan to shore up child and home care. A scholar explains why that kind of care is just as critical as roads and bridges.
President Biden has proposed spending $45 billion to replace every lead water pipe and service line in the nation. A public health expert explains why he sees this as a worthwhile investment.
If the plan is fully phased in as proposed, workers could get up to $4,000 a month for a total of 12 weeks in paid leave to care for a newborn, another loved one or themselves within 10 years.
President Biden wants to raise the capital gains tax that wealthy people pay and use the extra revenue to fund new social spending on children and education.
Farmers can help slow climate change by mixing native grasses into croplands, restoring wetlands and raising perennial crops. These strategies also conserve soil and water and build new markets.
The courts have given the government the authority to hack into private computers unannounced. The action addresses a clear threat, but it also sets an unsettling precedent.
Biden’s $4 billion plan to fight crime, corruption and poverty in Central America is massive. But aid can’t build viable democracies if ‘predatory elites’ won’t help their own people.
The Chinese president has used a major address to reassert China’s role as a rising superpower and its willingness to be front and centre on major global issues, including climate change.
Ryan Wiser, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Bentham Paulos, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Dev Millstein, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and Joseph Rand, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Fifteen years ago electric power generation was the largest source of US greenhouse gas emissions. Now the power sector is leading the shift to a clean energy economy.
Technology innovation is one of the Biden administration’s most powerful tools for accelerating progress on climate change. Recent successes in renewable energy and batteries show how this can work.
The corporate tax was created on the principle that people and companies should be taxed based on what they receive in benefits – and US corporations have received an awful lot.
To increase renewable energy use, the Biden administration wants the US to go from seven offshore wind turbines today to enough to power 10 million homes within a decade.
Tech companies’ use of dual-class share structures to keep control in the hands of founders and other insiders gives a handful of people power over enormous swaths of American life.
Building retrofits are no joke: They make dwellings healthier and more energy-efficient. And when they’re done in low-income housing, they also reduce inequality.
When a child loses mom or dad to deportation, the harm can be severe and lasting. New immigration bills in the House and Senate seek to avoid family separation and allow deported parents back home.
Since his January inauguration, Joe Biden has demonstrated that he understands how the modern U.S. presidency works, both in terms of policy and the nation’s psyche.
Texas and many other states have eased all or most coronavirus restrictions such as mask-wearing. A cost-benefit analysis suggests reversing those moves for just a short period could make a big difference.