Two urban policy experts explain why taking down highways that have isolated low-income and minority neighborhoods for decades is an important part of the pending infrastructure bill.
Gina Solomon, University of California, San Francisco
What kind of evidence does it require to get a widely used chemical banned? A professor of medicine and former state regulator explains how the case for chlorpyrifos as a threat to public health developed.
An economist explains what it would cost to give SNAP benefits to all Americans in households earning up to about $100,000 per year – and why it would be worth it.
Four out of five Americans regularly buy some kind of organic food. An expert on the industry says more federal support could greatly expand organic farming and its environmental benefits.
The Tongass National Forest in Alaska, a focus of political battles over old-growth logging and road-building in forests for decades, has received new protection from the Biden administration.
A handful of banks now dominate the US financial sector. This consolidation has resulted in higher costs for consumers and small businesses and put the economy at greater risk of a financial crisis.
While noncompetes may make sense for well-paid executives who possess trade secrets, they make less sense for low-paid workers – yet many are subject to the agreements.
In Afghanistan, it does not pay to be on the losing side. There is a danger that a spreading perception the Taliban are poised to take over could trigger a wave of government and army defections.
A bipartisan group of senators proposed the gas tax should be indexed to inflation to help pay for new infrastructure spending, an approach Biden calls ‘regressive.’
When announcing financial penalties on Russia earlier this year, Biden hinted at the prospect of ‘further’ sanctions. An energy scholar explains what Biden may have meant.
Most people think of trust as active – you place your trust in someone or you don’t. But weak cybersecurity, like leaving your front door unlocked, is a matter of trust, too.
Electric cars offer benefits for low-income and minority drivers, including cleaner air and lower maintenance costs. But it will take more than rebates on new models to make EVs accessible for all.
The fighting between Israelis and Palestinians grew quickly and ferociously after being ignited by a conflict in an Arab part of Jerusalem. Why did things go so bad so quickly?
The Biden administration has a goal of getting from today’s 42 megawatts of offshore wind power to nearly 30,000 by the end of the decade, but there are still obstacles ahead.