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Articles on Cancer

Displaying 621 - 640 of 878 articles

World Cancer Research Fund International

10 +3 Simple Ways to Reduce Your Cancer Risk

Fact: In 2012, there were 14 million new cancer cases worldwide, and 8.2 million cancer related deaths. Fact: About 70% of all cancer deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries. Fact: The number…
The old suffer more than they should. Peter Hermes Furian

Are we winning the war on cancer?

In 1971 Richard Nixon declared “War on Cancer” with the signing of the National Cancer Act. Significant progress has been made in the intervening 44 years – and Europe has been at the forefront of many…
There are ways non-scientists can assess if the research underlying big claims about cancer cures stacks up. Rafael Anderson Gonzales Mendoza/Flickr

Spot the snake oil: telling good cancer research from bad

Cancer is big news; we often hear of some kind of cure for some version of the illness. But whether it’s a “natural cure” or a promising molecule on its way to becoming a new medicine, there are ways non-scientists…
If we want to know whether screening saves lives, we need to show a reduction in the cancer death rate rather than an increase in the survival rate. Steven Depolo/Flickr

When talking about cancer screening, survival rates mislead

Cancer screening is beneficial when it’s able to prevent people dying from cancer. And it should clearly be adopted where there’s evidence showing this. But using cancer survival rates to promote screening…
Vomiting, nausea and diarrhoea are common chemotherapy side effects that can be so severe that patients may refuse further treatment. Emergency Brake/Flickr

Why placebos for chemotherapy side effects are hard to swallow

It’s unthinkable to give a placebo to someone to treat their cancer, but could we use one to treat chemotherapy’s well-known side effects? Unfortunately, we may never be able to answer this question because…
One positive coming out of HIV. NIAID

How notorious HIV is being hijacked to tackle cancer

HIV is one of the deadliest viruses encountered by humans in recent history and will kill 1.5m people this year alone, compare this to Ebola, for example, which has killed less than 5,000 so far, and you…
Purple breast cancer cells self-destruct. Khuloud T. Al-Jamal & Izzat Suffian

How self-destructing cells may hold key to cancer cure

In the time that it will take you to read this article, millions of your body’s cells will have died via a self-destruct mechanism known as programmed cell death. This process is part of your body’s normal…

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