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Articles on Cancer

Displaying 641 - 660 of 878 articles

When cells are deprived of energy and nutrients from their external environment, they package up and consume their own components to survive. Kevin McShane/Flickr

How cancer eats itself to survive our therapies

Can you imagine being so desperate for food that you would eat yourself to survive? Most people can’t but our cells do exactly this. When cells are deprived of energy and nutrients from their external…
Some recommendations are straightforward: more fruit and veg, less alcohol and meat. But for calcium, it’s more complicated. ransomtech/Flickr

Six foods that increase or decrease your risk of cancer

If you believe cancer is a disease that strikes from nowhere with little in your control to prevent it, you’d be mistaken on both counts. Most cases of cancer are considered preventable by positive nutrition…
Cancer cell to stem cells: the drugs are coming. delgrossodotcom

Cancer uses stem cells as a shield to escape drug attacks

Chemotherapy is one of the most important treatments for all types of cancer. It involves the use of drugs that kill abnormally multiplying cells. The therapy uses one or more drugs in combination and…
Low to moderate consumption of alcohol increases your risk of cancer but reduces your risk of heart disease. giannisl/Flickr

How much alcohol is OK? Balancing risks and benefits

For many of us, alcohol is an enjoyable backdrop to life: wine with dinner, beers with friends, a glass of bubbly to celebrate a special occasion, or nip of something heavier to unwind after a long day…
Eating a little red meat is good for building and maintaining muscle. Mike/Flickr

Red meat’s a tasty treat but too much can give you cancer

There are many good reasons to eat red meat, including as a source of protein and iron, but having too much of the stuff significantly increases your risk of cancer. Recent research from China has found…

New molecule blocks cancer cells in mice

A small molecule, which works by “tricking” proteins into binding with it, has been effective in stopping the growth of cancer…
People with cancer are concerned about losing their jobs if they take ‘too much’ leave for treatment. Lisa F. Young/Shutterstock

Reducing discrimination and financial burdens for people with cancer

Some Australians with cancer face discrimination when attempting to access financial services, are treated unfairly by their employers, and face significant financial burden when travelling for treatment…
The more the merrier. NIAID

Education, breastfeeding and gender affect the microbes on our bodies

Trillions of microbes live in and on our body. We don’t yet fully understand how these microbial ecosystems develop or the full extent to which they influence our health. Some provide essential nutrients…
Breast cancer rates are rising, but so are survival rates. bookgrl

Hard Evidence: are we beating cancer?

More and more people are beating cancer – over the past 20 years the proportion of people surviving the disease for more than ten years has increased by a third, from 34% to 45%. But as the population…
Immunotherapy boosts the body’s ability to fight disease. Rob Schultz/Flickr

Explainer: what is cancer immunotherapy?

Immunotherapy is treatment that boosts the body’s immune system by producing more infection-fighting agents, such as white blood cells and antibodies, to help fight disease. While it may seem a modern…

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