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Articles on Gender

Displaying 641 - 660 of 1030 articles

The Canadian Armed Forces wants to attract more women to join its ranks. (THE CANADIAN PRESS/Dene Moore)

The battle to get more women into the military

The Canadian Armed Forces has called for women to make up 25 per cent of its ranks by 2026. Attracting and retaining female recruits will require better gender awareness in the military at all levels.
Premier Christy Clark leaves the legislative assembly after her government lost a confidence vote on June 30. (THE CANADIAN PRESS/Chad Hipolito)

The ‘glass cliff’ is steep for Canada’s female politicians

Female leaders still face a hostile political environment in Canada, even though the provinces offer increasingly fertile ground for women in political leadership roles.

The understated affection of fathers

Wives sometimes chide their husbands for being cold or distant toward their sons. But men express their love in subtle ways that deserve to be honored rather than belittled.
A Muslim bride waits to take vows that could be instantly broken via SMS. Danish Siddiqui /Reuters

Muslim ‘instant divorce’ law divides India

India’s Supreme Court could soon rule to abolish “triple talaq”, a practice that allows Muslim men to divorce their wives instantaneously and discriminates against women.

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