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Rebecca Steinfeld

Visiting Research Fellow, Goldsmiths, University of London

Dr Rebecca Steinfeld is a political scientist researching the politics of reproduction and of genital alteration. Currently a Visiting Research Fellow at the Centre of the Body at Goldsmiths, University of London, she is writing her first book, provisionally entitled Wars of the Wombs: Struggles over Reproduction in Israel, for publication with Stanford University Press.

She has a PhD in Politics from the University of Oxford. Since completing her doctorate, she has researched and/or taught at LSE's Middle East Centre, the Department of History at Stanford University, and the Department of Political Science and International Studies at the University of Birmingham.

She is also co-founder, together with her partner Charles Keidan, of the Campaign for Equal Civil Partnerships in the UK.

She tweets @beccasteinfeld


  • 2015–2016
    Visiting Fellow, SOAS


  • 2012 
    University of Oxford, DPhil Politics