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Articles on Genetics

Displaying 381 - 400 of 663 articles

A snip here, but not a snip there? DNA image via

Why treat gene editing differently in two types of human cells?

The International Summit on Human Gene Editing drew a distinction between editing an individual’s body cells and editing germline cells that would pass changes to future generations. Does that make sense?
Future people would be grateful if their disease is cured, rather than being replaced by a different healthier or non-disabled person. sabianmaggy/Flickr

Five reasons we should embrace gene-editing research on human embryos

Experts from around the world are in the US to discuss the scientific, ethical and governance issues linked to human gene editing. Here are five reasons they shouldn’t ban research in the field.
A new treatment for achondroplasia is helping to transform many kids’ lives.

New dwarfism drug shows how innovation can be done well

A collaboration between research and industry has produced a promising new drug that could transform many childrens’ lives. It’s also a case study in innovation done right.
Microbes can act as canaries in the coalmine for ocean pollutants such as sewage. Ne0Freedom/Wikimedia Commons

Microbes: the tiny sentinels that can help us diagnose sick oceans

There are more bacteria in the ocean than stars in the known universe. New genetic techniques are letting us use microbes as early warning systems for oceans in trouble from pollution and other stresses.
The 1000 Genome Project is comparing the genomes of thousands of people from around the world. Shutterstock

Thousands of genomes reveal human genetic differences around the world

The 1000 Genome Project has revealed the genetic variations that exist among people around the world, and discovered that some people are missing many genes.

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